
Heartbeat is our video and podcast series designed to give you food for thought for your week. This is a resource for you to watch or listen to about what it means to live out our faith and grow in holiness in the every day. We know that life is busy so the videos are short with the intention that you can work them into your life - while you do the dishes, get ready in the morning or however it works for you! This is then followed up by our podcast which debriefs the weekly video. So don't worry if you struggle to watch the video because we'll make sure we discuss it and how it impacts on our everyday lives. You can listen to this while in the car, exercising or simply when getting things done.

  • Why did I do it to myself? Take two!

    Do you ever have a day where everything goes wrong?  The day starts out well but then one thing after another happens and it all goes downhill.  Often our behaviour unravels with the day. Rosemary encourages us that we can start afresh with God because our God forgives time and time again.

  • Knowing What We Believe

    Faith is a gift from God. Our faith grows when we listen, learn and seek God out. Rosemary encourages us to seek after the truth in Christ.

  • God of Abundance

    God gives us abundance for every good work that He has prepared for us to do. God wants us to prosper with the fullness of life that comes from Him. It’s not necessarily wealth and riches. Rosemary reminds us that God’s abundance is given to us to succeed in the plan He has for us in life.

  • Practicing the Presence of God

    Rosemary challenges us to practice the presence of God 24/7 in our lives. 24/7! It’s certainly a challenge but we are encouraged to continue to bring ourselves back to thinking about God in every aspect of our day.

  • Step Out and Act with the Holy Spirit

    So often the Holy Spirit can be speaking to us but we don’t step out and act. Emma encourages us to be bold, to step out and to trust that God will do the rest.