Heartbeat is our video and podcast series designed to give you food for thought for your week. This is a resource for you to watch or listen to about what it means to live out our faith and grow in holiness in the every day. We know that life is busy so the videos are short with the intention that you can work them into your life - while you do the dishes, get ready in the morning or however it works for you! This is then followed up by our podcast which debriefs the weekly video. So don't worry if you struggle to watch the video because we'll make sure we discuss it and how it impacts on our everyday lives. You can listen to this while in the car, exercising or simply when getting things done.
Advent: A Time of Hope
Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas. This first week we focus on Christ as the hope of the world. Join Rosemary as shares about this hope that does not disappoint.
God Waits For Us
Do you ever feel like you’re waiting for an answer from God? In this Heartbeat Rosemary shares with us a different perspective about how God waits for us so that we are ready to receive His grace.
How to Love Like God
God asks us to love Him and to love our neighbour. But how do we love God? Rosemary shares how we can love God when we are filled with His goodness.
Chasing the Love of God
God has granted us total forgiveness out of His love and mercy for us. God’s love is so powerful. It restores us, heals us and comforts us. In this Heartbeat Rosemary reminds us to chase after the love of God.
Listen, Pray and Be Empowered
We can be confident that the Holy Spirit will empower us to make a change and to walk in a certain direction. In this Heartbeat Emma shares how we need to listen, prayer and discern what the Holy Spirit is saying so that we can make the change.