
Heartbeat is our video and podcast series designed to give you food for thought for your week. This is a resource for you to watch or listen to about what it means to live out our faith and grow in holiness in the every day. We know that life is busy so the videos are short with the intention that you can work them into your life - while you do the dishes, get ready in the morning or however it works for you! This is then followed up by our podcast which debriefs the weekly video. So don't worry if you struggle to watch the video because we'll make sure we discuss it and how it impacts on our everyday lives. You can listen to this while in the car, exercising or simply when getting things done.

  • Start Your Year Well!

    Don’t start your year with worry! It can be easy to worry so much that we fall into a life of perpetually worrying. Rosemary encourages us to start our year well by replacing our worry with seeking God first in our lives.

  • Do you want to be Refreshed?

    Don’t we all want to start the year refreshed and renewed? Let’s end the year well so that we can start well. Learn how to go to God for refreshment.

  • Merry Christmas

    Enjoy this week’s video as we reflect on some fun Christmas memories as well as the true meaning of Christmas.  Our Heart team wishes you a Happy and Holy Christmas!

  • Are You Always Thirsty?

    Are you always thirsty? We often desire more in our lives but we don’t always fill us with what will satisfy. Rosemary shares that we can fulfill this desire by seeking after more of God in our lives. Watch this week’s Heartbeat episode. It’s a great way to prepare yourself for the coming of the new year. 

  • Life to the Full

    Do you want to live life to the full? We all want to get the most out of life. This week Rosemary shares learning to live this full life all starts with knowing that we are worthy.