
Heartbeat is our video and podcast series designed to give you food for thought for your week. This is a resource for you to watch or listen to about what it means to live out our faith and grow in holiness in the every day. We know that life is busy so the videos are short with the intention that you can work them into your life - while you do the dishes, get ready in the morning or however it works for you! This is then followed up by our podcast which debriefs the weekly video. So don't worry if you struggle to watch the video because we'll make sure we discuss it and how it impacts on our everyday lives. You can listen to this while in the car, exercising or simply when getting things done.

  • What Season Are You In?

    In life we go through many seasons. Some are joyous, some are painful and frustrating. Rosemary encourages us to depend on God no matter which season we are in currently. 

  • Be Guided by the Shepherd

    In this Heartbeat Rosemary shares a well known Psalm, ‘The Lord is My Shepherd.’ We are encouraged to allow ourselves to be guided by the Shepherd who will give us peace and goodness. 

  • Prayer Helps Us to Overcome Trials

    How often do you want to do the right thing but you fall short? In this Heartbeat Emma reminds us of the importance of prayer which helps us to overcome the trials and temptations in our lives.

  • The Holy Spirit Living in You

    There is so much that God wants to give us through the Holy Spirit that will help us to live our lives. In this Heartbeat Emma shares about how we can have the Holy Spirit living in us. 

  • The Holy Spirit Empowers Us

    The Holy Spirit draws us into a deeper relationship with God. In this Heartbeat Emma reminds us that the Holy Spirit empowers us to live in God’s ways and with God’s strength to offer love and forgiveness.