Jesus is Having Dinner at Your House
Something really struck me the other day when I was listening to a bible story that I’ve heard many times before. I remember as a child colouring in a depiction of the story. The story of Zacchaeus. A tax collector, actually a senior tax collector, who collected taxes for the Romans from the Jewish people. He was a Jew himself but used to skim an amount of money over and above the tax amount for himself. He had become very wealthy due to this dishonest act. So hence no one liked him. Now Zacchaeus had heard that Jesus was coming through his town Jericho. Something about Zacchaeus’ behaviour surprised me.…
Which Saint Are You?
The other day I read two very funny stories or memes about two saints we would recognize by name. The first is Saint Anthony. “Saint Anthony asks God what He did to deserve an eternity of looking for Everyone’s Car keys.” When I read this, I chuckled. Why the Saint for Lost things? It made me wonder. Supposedly it all goes back to a story from his life. A novice stole a book of Psalms that belonged to him. St Anthony prayed to God for it to be recovered, the novice returned the book. So, in our prayers to him (to any saint) we are invoking the aid of the…
Doing This or That
Do you have those days when you’re not sure what you’re doing? I don’t mean you have nothing to do. But how can I be effective today? Make it worthwhile and not just another day gone. There is only 24 hours in the day, which is 1,440 minutes. How can I make the most of the time I have? I often have lists. I am a list person. I find this helps me with my memory but also with my personality. I get a sense of achievement when I cross things I have completed off my list. I have shopping lists. Christmas ideas lists. Books I desire to read lists.…
God Never Stops Loving
My thoughts were inspired by a story of a young boy sick with cancer and his Dad. They were sharing stories and memories with each other. “Remember the time dad when we…” Laughter ensued. “Yes, and remember when you…” The joy that was there was breathable. The atmosphere then changed. The boy and His Dad touched hands and hugged. Their eyes met and my heart melted. Tears came to my eyes. I don’t remember the young boy’s name, but I remember his words. “My Dad is always there for me. He will do anything for me.” He stated to the journalist. Later, I started to reflect upon my Dad. He…
Is Jesus part of your normal conversation?
The chatter in the backseat was non-stop but very enjoyable. Three of my grandchildren, Freddie who is 7, Mackenzie who is 6 and Emmett who is 4, were in my care for the day, and I had just picked them up from school. Freddie was talking about meeting the other two when they were babies and had just come home from the hospital. He was describing how little they were and so cute and that he had cuddled them. They were asking him questions about themselves and he was trying to remember. He then sighed and said out loud, “They were enjoyable, the good old days.” I had to smile.…