15 September 2021
The words drifted down to my ears from three rows away. The voice was soothing but firm. “You are not a dummy; you just need to be shown.” stated Carol. Then not long after, on another call, the response was, “Don’t talk to yourself like that! You can do it. I will guide you.” Again, words of comfort to the receiver on the other end of the phone call. It made me reflect – who are you a cheer squad for? Do you stand on the sidelines and just watch, or do you do what you can do even if it is just words of encouragement? The scripture Isaiah 40:28-29…
8 September 2021
Melissa, my second eldest daughter, headed for bed herself after putting her four children to bed. What a day! As she started to feel herself winding down, she heard a noise in the room and soon felt a little body snuggle in beside her. Turning to look at who it was, Melissa said to her four-year-old, whose name is Willow, “What are you doing?” “I’ve just come to relax with you” was Willow’s reply. So, she let her relax with her for a while and took her back to bed. Willow just needed the feeling of security, the knowledge that her Mum (or Dad) could give her as she headed…
1 September 2021
The doorbell rang incessantly. The chatter behind the door brought a rush of joy to my heart. As the door opened, I heard these words coming from the mouth of a three-year-old little boy. Trying to restrain himself physically Emmett asked, “Where can I cuddle you, Pa?” My heart melted even more. Emmett is always such a bundle of energy, and he was wanting to be careful because his Pa had just had an operation. When I heard the love and understanding that came out of this little one, I thought “Oh we need to learn this lesson.” The lesson of care and understanding towards someone other than himself. Of…
25 August 2021
The clock ticked and was going so slow. There I was in a hospital waiting room. Waiting for the nurse to come down the passageway and tell me my husband was in recovery and all was well. While I was waiting, I started to read the news on my phone. Oh, what is happening in the world! The situation in Afghanistan is devastating for all those who want to leave and can’t. For the loss of freedom that is predicted, actually already starting to happen. For the abuse and demoralisation of the women, girls, and those who have no say in their “man’s” world. My heart goes out to all…
18 August 2021
The place was quiet except for the footsteps on the hard floor. Then out of the silence came this angel’s voice. Pure, beautiful, powerful, rejoicing. the audience cheered. The chairs moved and the vision before the judges bowled them over. The contestant finished her magnificent rendition of ‘Climb every mountain’ and the applause was deafening. Then the words came… “I don’t know if the judges turned their chairs because I am blind.” Did they? There was a unanimous “Yes!” The lady at the centre of the stage with a small gasp and tears in her eyes said, “Oh – that is overwhelming.” The scene was electric with emotion. Out of…