22 July 2020
I did it again. Had a bad day and ranted and raved to God. Actually it was not just one bad day that did it. It was a progressive addition of things going wrong. Doors closing personally and in ministry and none (or so it seems) were opening to replace the blockages standing before me. Ever had a rut in your career? Parenting skills not working? (Actually sometimes I wonder why you call them skills, for they seem non-existent at times.) Have your retirement plans gone astray? You thought you would have at least 10-20 years of enjoyment of travel, family, doing the hobbies you love. But it did not…
15 July 2020
Ok I know this story from the bible… or so I thought. Thinking about it more the Holy Spirit shared some stuff with me that was very pertinent to life right now. The bible story is the Prodigal Son. It’s in Luke 15. There are two sons. One son who does wrong and the other son who seems to do the right thing. It is the story of a son who wants his part of the inheritance now, to spend and use on his life. He basically tells his Father, “you are dead to me. You don’t matter to me. All that matters is what I can get out of…
8 July 2020
Social media is such a big thing now days. It can be so influential upon our minds. It can be used for good and the not so good. If you’re not careful, especially those still forming their own opinions and thoughts (the young enquiring minds), you can get sucked into thinking things that are mean, rude, nasty, and full of gossip. This was seen in my niece who had just become a teenager. She started questioning her Mum and Dad about different topics, which is quite normal, but there was a slant to her questions. It appeared to be one-sided in the discussion and full of meanness and even hatred. …
1 July 2020
I recently celebrated my Birthday and the family bought me helium balloons. One of my granddaughter’s has a fascination for them. She will play with them, delight in them for ages, so after a few days I gave one big one to my daughter to give to her. The wonder and delight on her face gave me a million ‘thank you’s‘ and delighted me! This wonder totally transparent on her face expressed the feeling of joy, elation, amazement, admiration that she felt for this beautiful creation. (A manmade balloon.) It jolted my memory of a line in Psalm 40. It’s verse 5: “Many, O Lord my God are the wonders…
24 June 2020
I’ve been reading a book titled Recapture the Wonder. I was drawn to the title. The Holy Spirit within me was urging me to go chase after that wonder. The world especially right now needs to know the Wonder, the Majesty of God. I opened the first page and read the author’s introduction. I immediately knew I had chosen to read the right book at this time. The author Ravi Zacharias, a protestant theologian who just recently died, wrote that he “could have easily made the title Recaptured by Wonder. In a sense, it is not as much about something we may possess as it is about what possesses us.”…