25 December 2019
Jesus birth foretold. “A child is born to us! A Son is given to us! And He will be our ruler, He will be called, “Wonderful Counsellor” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 Even back years before Christ’s birth, the announcement of it coming was a message personally to us. Notice the language. The Saviour Child BORN TO US. The Son of God GIVEN TO US. God’s thoughts towards us are so precious, so intimate. He desires a relationship with us that this child, this Son of the Father is given and born for EACH of us. Oh, what love the Father has for us! Remember that…
18 December 2019
In Matt 2:1, the wise kings saw a new star. This light inspired them with hope to seek after it, to follow it until they had found the Messiah, for they knew the Jewish Prophecy. “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” With their questioning minds and the urging of the Spirit of God, the sight of the star sparked within them a desire to spur them to pack up and travel far. They followed the star, the light that shone out of the darkness. What light inspires you with hope…
11 December 2019
Anyone know why this is called the “silly season?” Is it because a lot of us bite off more than we can chew? We say yes to more and more things and run around frazzled trying to complete everything before we go on holidays? Why does the boss decide to do “spring cleaning” finalizing projects this time of the year? Why do all the schools, groups, etc put on all their concerts, award nights all in the same few weeks? Why do we feel like we have to outdo last year’s Christmas celebration? More, More, More. I’ve often thought that Mary must have felt, “Oh great, I’m about to have…
04 December 2019
Ever felt like you’re the only one helping, only one sharing the load whatever that load may be? Why don’t others help or see the needs around us? Maybe you’re helping your elderly parents, sharing with children at the local school about Jesus, bringing up children, working hard to pay the bills, helping out at the local charity, fighting fires as a volunteer… More would get done if we had more help. Maybe then I would get a better sense of achievement, a feeling of appreciation. Not that you are doing what you are doing just for the pat on the back, but you often want to know is it…
27 November 2019
Preparations have started. Gifts are being added to my shopping trolley as the days advance towards Christmas Day. Phone calls are happening between family members so we can organize, at least starting to organize, whose house is it at this year. Most of us are travelling to Brisbane to have it for the first time in 35 years at the great grandparents house with most of the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren present. It is going to be bigger than Ben Hur. Soon the actual meals or food that your side of the family are bringing will be discussed. Who’s getting gifts and what are we getting them? In my…