• Phyllis Fuller

    Thank you ladies. I enjoyed your visit. I really appreciate the question such as, what is this scripture saying. I am presently going through the book, “Lift Up Your Heart” by John Burns. This book is based on the spiritual classic Introduction to the Devout Life.” I am always amazed when I am reading and studying and seeking God, how all things come together on the other things I read or listen to. I tend to thing of it as a kind of confirmation from God.

    God bless you both.

  • Valerie Simms

    Thank you Rosemary and Emma for this chat that is very helpful to me! Proverbs 3: 5 has been a Scripture verse that has stuck in my mind for many years, but never has it been so relevant as it is now for me!!! I thank you both and Bruce too for reminding me, to TRUST IN GOD WITH ALL MY HEART and not to lean on my own understanding/ insight!!! As of late I tend to impulsively make decisions only to find out later, there were better decisions I could have made, better words I could have said. If only I had acknowledged my Loving God who is so far wiser than I am, and asked Him what His Will is for any situation, I may find myself in, any decision I need to make that requires wisdom! Pray to Him first, talk to Him and ASK! This is usually when I also ask the Holy Spirit to REMIND ME TO ACKNOWLEDGE OUR ALL KNOWING GOD AND PRAY FIRST!!! And yes Emma! I will look up the Scripture verse in James where he states that if we are lacking in wisdom to pray and ask our Good Lord for WISDOM!!! I also feel I need to be patient, be still and listen to what our Lord God wants to say to me, in my heart. Not that I sit all day and night waiting while I demand that He speaks to me in the way I expect. But to have the eyes and ears of my heart to be open in order to receive in whatever way and whenever He knows best! May the Lord keep blessing you both and Hanna too!!!
    PS Emma does Hanna like to draw or paint? Just make marks on paper with her favourite colours? This is just a suggestion Emma, as I remember this is something I did when I was a young girl and found myself bored with nothing to do!

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