Episode 3 – When You Don’t Have the Words (Part 2 The Discussion)
Do you sometimes find you don’t have the words to pray? This week we discuss how hard it can be to find the right words and what to do when you get stuck.
Worship Song of the Week: Awake My Soul – Hillsong Worship
Spotlight: Emily Wilson – Youtube
Scripture: Romans 8:26-27
Leonie M Cornell
I have lit many candles. One of my habits while travelling overseas, while visiting any Catholic, Orthodox or Anglican cathredral. This is particularly in 2013 and 2015. I had a special reason, namely the illness of one of my best friends, and at a couple of these places my friend was with me, so we did say prayers, but not big words. Mainly I did what Rosemary said, I have no words, but my heart is heavy, and this is my prayer to you, Lord.
It does feel very special. And Michaela, I have to admit , sometimes I have not had the coins to pay fully for the candle, but I thought I will give what I have and hopefully that will be okay. I do have special thoughts for the candles lit in Notre Dame, St Anthonys in Padua, and Salisbury Cathredral ( Anglican) where I shared with my ill friend directly the experience of prayer.
I enjoy listening to both of you ladies. Keep up the sharing. And thank you. You remind me I am not alone in some of these shortcomings. And spiritual songs are one of my faves for sure. And they do come back to me while I am doing my normal life things.
Josie Campana
Before the pandemic I worked in the CBD of Melbourne and each morning would pop in to Saint Francis in Londsdale street to say a pray and light a candle for my family. My husband and I had suffered major illnesses MSA and Cancers respectively. During our illnesses we were introduced to lighthouse pray service where complete strangers layed hands, focused and prayed for us after telling them our sad story. The lighting of the candles each morning was my silent pray to God to give thanks for my miracles and to ask him to keep the healing going.
Since the pandemic being locked up I missed this ritual. Recently my aunt died and her son gave me a candle and asked that to light It for his mother. Lighting the candle and praying for the repose of my aunt has now lead to lighting a candle and praying each day before I begin working from home.
It is as if lighting a candle reminds me and God of my prays and it is my way of showing gratitude for all he has done for I have been blessed with miracles . Lighting candles and the silent pray in my heart gives me hope in my hour of darkness, in my hour of need..
It was great to hear others to feel the power of this ritual.
God Bless
Heart Ministry
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Josie. It is encouraging to hear other people’s journey’s and what God has done for you. Thank you! Emma