Emma and Rosemary discuss how God, who is pure, loving and good, desires to be in relationship with us. They also chat about how nice it is to be chosen.
Thank you Rosemary and Emma for this great little chat! This chat confirms a lot of what I believe about God’s LOVE
for everyone of us and for me!!! I do see myself as being wanted and loved as a daughter who has been accepted by
her deeply, loving, compassionate, forever caring, father who only wants the BEST for me!!! I read in scripture as you
both said, that our God is a jealous God. He made us in LOVE, He made us to be LOVED by HIm as well as others He
made in His image and likeness. He made us also to LOVE so that we could LOVE Him in return. He also gave us FREE
WILL in order that we WILLINGLY WANT TO LOVE HIM! Yes He is a jealous God, but He is not so jealous that He is a
possessive tyrant. How GENEROUS is our God that He gives us this choice? Knowing full well as He is ALL KNOWING,
that some may not choose to love Him in return. How painful can this be for HIm??? And yet our Self- Giving God,
never stops loving, trying to draw us all back to Him, to win us back with His infinitely, immense LOVE.
There is no human being that can match GOD’S LOVE for us! That can match how much He WANTS us ! We are not
perfected yet, we are prone to hurt one another. Let each other down. Distance ourselves. Sometimes ignore.
Sometimes dismiss. Sometimes become too preoccupied. Sometimes use words to belittle and put down.
Sometimes withdraw affection for a short time. Sometimes for a long time….BUT GOD’S LOVE IS PERFECT.
How great it is, how life saving it is, how meaningful life is when I experience God’s Love for me!!! This LOVE
THAT NEVER ENDS. That I will have for ETERNITY!!! Oh I could go on and on Rosemary and Emma and not get to bed!!!
So I’ll stop here!!! Sorry for the LONG RESPONSE!
God bless you both! And thanks for this opportunity to pour my heart out to you all!
In Christ’s Love
One Comment
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary and Emma for this great little chat! This chat confirms a lot of what I believe about God’s LOVE
for everyone of us and for me!!! I do see myself as being wanted and loved as a daughter who has been accepted by
her deeply, loving, compassionate, forever caring, father who only wants the BEST for me!!! I read in scripture as you
both said, that our God is a jealous God. He made us in LOVE, He made us to be LOVED by HIm as well as others He
made in His image and likeness. He made us also to LOVE so that we could LOVE Him in return. He also gave us FREE
WILL in order that we WILLINGLY WANT TO LOVE HIM! Yes He is a jealous God, but He is not so jealous that He is a
possessive tyrant. How GENEROUS is our God that He gives us this choice? Knowing full well as He is ALL KNOWING,
that some may not choose to love Him in return. How painful can this be for HIm??? And yet our Self- Giving God,
never stops loving, trying to draw us all back to Him, to win us back with His infinitely, immense LOVE.
There is no human being that can match GOD’S LOVE for us! That can match how much He WANTS us ! We are not
perfected yet, we are prone to hurt one another. Let each other down. Distance ourselves. Sometimes ignore.
Sometimes dismiss. Sometimes become too preoccupied. Sometimes use words to belittle and put down.
Sometimes withdraw affection for a short time. Sometimes for a long time….BUT GOD’S LOVE IS PERFECT.
How great it is, how life saving it is, how meaningful life is when I experience God’s Love for me!!! This LOVE
THAT NEVER ENDS. That I will have for ETERNITY!!! Oh I could go on and on Rosemary and Emma and not get to bed!!!
So I’ll stop here!!! Sorry for the LONG RESPONSE!
God bless you both! And thanks for this opportunity to pour my heart out to you all!
In Christ’s Love