Episode 140 – Jesus is the Good Shepherd (Part 1)
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is the one who will protect you and look after you. Rosemary reminds us that He gently guides us and leads us in life.
Episode 139 – Reconciliation: The Grace of Pardon (Part 2 Our Chat)
When we celebrate a Sacrament we know that God is fully present to us. Rosemary and Emma chat about the grace that God blesses us with during the sacrament of reconciliation and how God gives us the power to go out and live again.
Episode 139 – Reconciliation : The Grace of Pardon (Part 1)
The sacrament of reconciliation shows the Father’s love for us because He forgives us time and time again. In this week’s Heartbeat Rosemary shares about the grace that God gives us when we ask for forgiveness.
Episode 138 – You Reap What You Sow (Part 2 Our Chat)
Are you sowing into your own life the fruit of the Holy Spirit that will help you to sow into others? Emma and Rosemary chat about the things that we put into our lives that will help us to reap what we sow.
Episode 138 – You Reap What You Sow (Part 1)
In this week’s Heartbeat Rosemary shares a thought provoking message which will prompt you to ask whether you are sowing well? Who are you sowing into? Are you trusting God to grow the seeds you plant?