Episode 117 – Seeking God through Meditation (Part 2 Our Chat)
Meditation can take perseverance but St Padre Pio encourages us to start with small steps. Our chat focuses on this encouragement to include meditation in our lives.
Episode 117 – Seeking God through Meditation (Part 1)
When we seek God through meditation He draws us closer to Him. He begins to reveal to us areas of our lives that can be surrendered more to Him. Rosemary shares with us her experience of meditation.
Episode 116 – Adoration (Part 2 Our Chat)
Emma and Rosemary chat about their experiences of adoration and how God wants to cultivate a relationship with us.
Episode 116 – Adoration (Part 1)
Adoration turns our focus from ourselves to God. When we sit before our God, face to face, then we begin to surrender our lives to Him at a deeper level.
Episode 115 – A Sacrifice of Praise (Part 2 Our Chat)
God’s grace is unlimited and endless. He gives to us constantly and we don’t always see it. It’s because of His goodness that we can offer to Him praise even in times that we are struggling. Emma and Rosemary share about what it means to offer a sacrifice of praise.