Episode 92 – I Can’t But He Can! (Part 2 – Our Chat)
Sometimes we don’t feel like overcoming the obstacles in our lives. Emma and Rosemary chat about getting to the place where we say to God ‘I know You can overcome Lord. I need you!’
Episode 92 – I Can’t But He Can! (Part 1)
We have so many “I can’t’s” in life. We need to take those to God because He can overcome any obstacle. Rosemary reminds us of God’s promises and the need to trust in Him.
Episode 91 – The Empty Tomb Brings Hope (Part 2 – Our Chat)
The empty tomb brings hope, joy and peace. In their chat Emma and Rosemary talk about the faithfulness of God and how we can trust in His promises. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this.
Episode 91 – The Empty Tomb Brings Hope (Part 1)
The faithfulness of God is shown in the resurrection of Jesus from death to life. We can so easily forget God’s faithfulness when we are experiencing hard times but Rosemary reminds us in this Heartbeat how the empty tomb brings us hope.
Episode 90 – The Seven Last Words of Christ (Part 2 – Our Chat)
As Jesus died on the cross He established a relationship between Mary and all of us. Emma and Rosemary chat about this gift and the depth of love that Jesus has for us.