Episode 85 – What is Stopping You? (Part 1)
What are the sticking points in your life that are stopping you from going deeper in your relationship with God? We all have them. Rosemary encourages us to face them, look at them and give them to God.
Episode 84 – Going Deeper this Lent (Part 2 – Our Chat)
It’s easy to build up an image of God in our minds. Rosemary and Emma chat about seeking after the true image of God and allowing Him to penetrate our hearts.
Episode 84 – Going Deeper this Lent (Part 1)
Knowing who God is will help us to go deeper in our relationship with Him. Rosemary shares some of the ways that God has revealed Himself to her through her appreciation of creation, reading the bible and spending time in silence.
Episode 83 – See With Eyes of Love (Part 2 – Our Chat)
It is so easy to get frustrated, annoyed and disgruntled with people. Emma and Rosemary chat about the challenge that it can be to see people with eyes of love as Jesus would.
Episode 83 – See With Eyes of Love (Part 1)
How do you think Jesus looked at people? In this Heartbeat Emma shares how Jesus would have looked at people with eyes of love and challenges us to do the same.