Episode 74 – My Strength and My Song (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
Emma and Rosemary chat about being able to stand firm when circumstances around us are crumbling if we set God as the foundation of our life.
Episode 74 – My Strength and My Song (Part 1)
What foundation have you built your life on? When we build our life on God then we find strength in Him and He guides us through life.
Episode 73 – Amazing Joy! (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
Rosemary and Emma chat about the joy that God gives us when we discover the treasure that is the Kingdom of God.
Episode 73 – Amazing Joy! (Part 1)
Life doesn’t always feel easy but even in the midst of struggles God can give you joy. Rosemary shares how God never leaves any of us behind and when we find God then we find joy.
Episode 72 – Are you Ready? (Part 2 The Discussion)
In this week’s chat Emma and Rosemary share how they prepare practically and spiritually for Christmas.