• Ep213 Pt1 – The Names of God

    There are so many ways to describe God. The names of God tell us more about who God is. In this Heartbeat Rosemary shares how the names of God reveal His heart.

  • Ep212 Pt2 (Our Chat) – The Grandeur of God

    The grandeur of God is so amazing, so beyond our imagining and this God wants to have a relationship with us. Emma and Rosemary chat about how the grandeur of God can come and work in our lives.

  • Ep212 Pt1 – The Grandeur of God

    Have you ever thought about God holding the world in the palm of his hand? Wow! God is so beyond our thinking. In this Heartbeat Rosemary shares about the grandeur of God.

  • Ep211 Pt2 (Our Chat) – Abiding in Christ

    Abiding in Christ is an intentional thing where we are aware of His presence in us all the time. Emma and Rosemary chat about the different ways that we can be intentional in abiding in Christ. 

  • Ep211 Pt1 – Abiding in Christ

    To abide in Christ is a continuation of Christ’s presence in our lives wherever we go. In this Heartbeat Emma shares about how we can abide in Christ and what it means for our lives.