Episode 46 – How Do I Look? (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
God is always gently calling to us, wanting to transform our hearts. Emma and Rosemary chat about the content of their hearts and how God encourages them with the Holy Spirit to go deeper with Him.
Episode 46 – How Do I Look? (Part 1)
We often ask people, “How do I look?” We are hoping that we get a good response. If we were to ask God this question He would remind us that He does not look at appearance but rather at our heart. So, how does your heart look?
Episode 45 – Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
Following on from our discussion on our gifts we now shift our focus to spiritual gifts. Rosemary and Emma chat how God graces us with spiritual gifts so that we can use them in our lives for the benefit of others and the Church.
Episode 45 – Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)
Do you know your spiritual gifts? God graces us with gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit. We are blessed with these gifts so that we can use them for the good of the Church.
Episode 44 – How Can I Help? (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
This week we chat about discovering our gifts and abilities so that we can offer our help in the best way by using these gifts.