Episode 31 – How is Your Heart? (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
This week we talk about how difficult it can be to continue giving with a beautiful heart. It can be easy to become bitter. Rosemary and Emma chat about the ways we can ask God to transform our heart.
Episode 31 – How is Your Heart? (Part 1)
Every day we sacrifice and we give to others. It can be never ending and it is necessary but how is your heart? How is your heart in the giving? Do you become bitter about your sacrifice? It is easy to become resentful of our giving. So this week we are having a Heart checkup where you can look at your heart.
Episode 30 – Do You Encourage? (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
This week we discuss encouragement which really goes to the heart of our ministry. We love to encourage! Rosemary and Emma chat about what they love about encouraging and how they encourage others.
Episode 30 – Do You Encourage? (Part 1)
God created us to be encouragers. It is something that we are called to do. This week Rosemary reminds us of this call and how we can encourage those in our lives. Who can you encourage?
Episode 29 – Are You Persistent? (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
In our discussion this week we chat about prayer, journalling and being persistent. We are taught to be persistent in seeking after God. Rosemary and Emma share how they each use journalling in different ways to seek after God in their prayer and in their everyday.