22 January 2020

It started with an itchy, irritated eyelash, and within a few days had advanced to a swollen eyelid that affected my vision and was sore to touch. It turned out to be an infected tear duct, and so I started on antibiotic eye cream and warm compresses. 

During the next few days, I reflected upon how a little irritation can literally ‘blow up’ in your face. It was annoying me continually. Even without thinking, my hand would go to the edges of the eye and wipe the water that slowly dripped from it. I was conscious at times of this irritation and other times, I was unconscious.

Is this not like areas in our lives that bug us, once we consciously know that we are acting a certain way?

It could be sin or just our own personal human weaknesses. Areas that come up into our consciousness that maybe the Holy Spirit is showing us to work on? It could be bad habits that even annoy us. It could be just human frailty or human sin where we need the light of Christ to come and shine. Where Jesus needs to come and heal, restore, get rid of…

Oh, so annoying.

Then I read this scripture, as if for the first time. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2Corin 12:9)

Your power and strength! Oh God, work in me and work for me despite my weaknesses. It actually works best in my weaknesses because then I am not doing it. Only you can. Only you are fully capable. 

The power of God can be seen so well in the waves of the oceans or the thunder and lightning in storms. 

Seen, oh so majestically, in the Resurrection. The power over death. Jesus Christ, risen from the dead. This same power is available to us, especially when we are weak. HE is strong. 

I love the way Saint Theresa of Lisieux states, “How happy we should be to be imperfect, for then we can call on our God for mercy.”

His mercy is abounding and unlimited. New every morning. And don’t I need that daily?

Thank you, God, for reminding me at times that I am weak, but you are strong. You are all the strength that I need. Teach me to access that strength and power more. Teach me to see you working more in and through my weaknesses. That those little irritations of life are maybe the things that you use to heal me, work out areas that need working on or just make me aware of how much I need you in my life.

Remind me, Oh God, sometimes through the tears, through the difficulties, through my weaknesses, that God is with me. Still with me. Always with me. 

What small irritations in the last few weeks could God be using to make you more aware of Him?

Where do you need the power of God to work in your life?

Be honest with yourself. Offer it in prayer. Let others pray for you.

Remind yourself that God is with me, never leaves me. He is my strength and power.


  • Cecilia

    I tend to not give feedback on line as I avoid like the plague social networks. However thought I should tell you that all your messages seem to be more relevant to my everyday life than a lot of other messages and I find them more inspiring. Thank You Rosemary.

  • Tineke

    Hello Rosemary

    As usual you have hit the nail on the head. I needed your wise words this morning to get me going
    Thank you
    Love and blessings

  • Yvonne McAskill

    Thank you Rosemary for your honest sharing, I too have found St. Paul’s words work for me as I realise that my vulnerability is a gift…and that my mistakes become my only way of growing closer to being really real.

  • shranima fernandes

    Thank you Rosemary. Today I hold on to the verse “For my power is made perfect in your weakness”.

  • Teresa Horvath

    That’s one of my favourite verse, I have memorice it and I repeated in storm times. Thanks Rosemary for sharing your faith.

  • Roma

    I copy, CECILIA I so enjoy n receive your words of wisdom. I thought I loved Bruce but I adore U. Your a great team my GOD continue 2 bless ur ministry 😊

  • Leonie Cornell

    Thank you Rosemary. I needed that verse of scripture. I love how you can see so much in what is around you. That inspires me to be more present and more open to seeing God in my surroundings, no matter the circumstances. I am finding that I too sometimes read a passage and go , Wow. I didnt know that was there. God’s word is able to reach us in the way we need when we need it. Thank you and Bruce for all your wisdom, teaching and inspiration.