6 May 2020

The phrase ‘Do not be afraid’ is written in the bible 365 times.

That’s one daily reminder for each day of the year. God wants to remind us to live every day fearlessly. Fearless does not mean you don’t have the feeling of fear but it means you walk on, forge ahead even while afraid.

The actual dictionary meaning of fearlessness is showing a lack of fear. So, you may not show it, but you still have that emotion. You just contain it or push it aside.

I remember when I was doing practicals in Organic Chemistry at University. Before starting the experiments, you had to have a quick quiz with the tutor to see if you understood the reason for the experiment and how you were going to perform it. It was always a scary interview each week After a few weeks some of my fellow students came to me and asked how I seemed so calm and cool about these “inquisitions.” I laughed and told them I was just as afraid as they were but pushed down the fears and thoughts that rose up in my head, otherwise, I would not be able to think straight.

Without knowing back then I guess I was, “capturing my thoughts” as stated in 2 Corinth 10:5. “…we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ.”

Scripture tells us and encourages us to take every thought captive that is not pleasing to God before they enter my heart and become a part of me.

So why was I taking my fearful thoughts about the questions in this chemistry prac. and capturing them into a box in my mind and giving them to God? The fearful thoughts started with just a feeling of dread but soon turned into a greater feeling of despondency, “I can’t do, I’m not clever enough, maybe I’m in the wrong course, etc.” spiraling down into condemnation. I then knew that it was not from God. He NEVER condemns! He may admonish and convict but never condemns.

Because I had got into my University course by God’s Grace and circumstances had shown me that God was using me. I chose to NOT listen to that voice, those feelings and gave them obediently to Christ. I have learned to do this more and more in my life. Listening to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, to He who lives within me.

At University I ended up repeating a subject. Not till three months into the subject did I realize why? No, it was not that I was not a good student. I worked diligently, achieved average grades and did ok. So, I was a bit surprised, hurt even that I had to redo a subject. Within the first few weeks I befriended an Irish lady from Belfast, a mature aged student, who was twice my age. This lady, named Anne, was very unsure of herself. Always appeared nervous. She spoke nineteen to a dozen words always, and continually shared how she was not understanding the work. I ended up tutoring her on a lot of topics. She always came to classes looking very disheveled, rushing in as if she just got out of bed. Over time, I could see she had relaxed more, vocally would share how she was happier and finally liked the course she was doing.

One day three months in she shared with me these words in her heavy brogue, (luckily my Irish grandmother lived with us for 16 years, so I could understand her accent). She said, ‘Before I met you, I knew no one. No one talked to me unless I spoke to them. I knew I was older, was from a different country but I did not seem to fit in. Then on top of that I found the University work so hard. So difficult to comprehend. I am a nervous person normally anyway, but this now was very extreme. A few days before I met you, I had even considered taking my life.’ I gasped! Then she said this to me. ‘your friendship saved me. Your generosity saved me. You being here saved me.’

Tears welled up in my eyes. It was God who knew ahead of time that Anne would need me to befriend her, that through the circumstances of me being there again to do the subject for a second time, I could help her, share with her. Just be there for her. Then she shared. ‘I had asked God to help me. And he sent a helper.’ I will never forget those words. God had sent me as the helper. I felt so privileged that God had picked me.

The more I live my life the more I see the hand of God in everything. Who I meet, what I say, the circumstances He has extracted me from and put me into.

The more I trust in Him, this good God who loves us unconditionally and works out a perfect plan for us, if we let Him, and follow His leadings, the more I have learned to walk ahead unafraid into the unknown future.

So, remind yourself every day ‘do not be afraid’ even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.


Where do you need to remember where God has been there for you, or you for others?

Where do you need to walk on afraid?

What circumstances, places, people do you need to trust God in more?


  • Jenny

    Each week I look forward to your readings Rosemary. They “hit the spot “ for me, just as they did for your Irish friend , Anne.
    “Do not be afraid” God’s reassurance for us all.
    God Bless you and many thanks.

  • Rita Lewis

    Thank you, Rosemary, for your heartfelt post, today…. As I began to read, I couldn’t believe the timing, in reading your message and especially, it’s content… I have been trying to evaluate where I am in life, my choice of direction… work, address, future, and blinded by the uncertainty…. Coincidentally, my son is walking along the same path, and I have prayed, that he and his wife’s choices, will be the ‘right’ ones, for their family long term. – Their choices, will certainly impact on our lives, as a family….
    As I read your blog post, emotions began to surface, …. fear, uncertainty, despondency… looking forward, moving forward!….. My dear mother always taught me, ‘to offer my burdens to God’..He will guide me, He will show me the way!… In my work, I often asked God to take me, to where I needed to be, where I was needed most ….. I was always humbled, when I was greeted with ‘how did you know I needed someone to talk to’ or ‘Thanks for listening’……. It was also I, that was thankful, of their sharing, their openness with me.
    I truly believe, God hears me, and I hear his call… In placing trust in God, I know the clarification will come…. the why and what to do. – I am consoled, he is at the helm.

    Likewise I believe God places us next to people who can ‘be saved, enriched, inspired,’ by our presence, a kind word….. In turn, they do the same for us. – Nothing happens by chance, only by God’s grace, timing and intervention.
    Today, I walk in gratitude and trust.
    I remain, uncertain of choices, decisions and future, to come ….. I do know; God will deliver me, where I need to be, in his timing, his plan.
    Likewise those I walk alongside…. we uphold and move forward together.

  • Deanna Francke

    Thank you Rosemary for these wonderful words & thoughts. At the moment I am also in a similar situation taking steps into the unknown not knowing where Iam meant to be going & what it is exactly I am meant to be doing right now. I have placed my trust in Jesus knowing fully that He will send the Holy Spirit to guide & direct me to the path that I am meant to walk. The thoughts & words that you & Bruce share with us each week & everyday give me strength to carry on into the unknown.
    May God Bless you, Bruce & the team abundantly.

  • Rose Chan

    Thank you Rosemary for your beautiful sharing. Brought to mind why I am in a relationship now with a good man but not a believer.

    There is always a reason why & how we meet people thru’out our lives. Many a time I feel most unworthy to be used by Him, to touch others just by being there for them.

    May we continue to be united in our prayer for Bruce, you & the team- to keep reaching out to more lost souls & to bring many lapsed catholics & christians home…

    In Jesus’ Name Amen!

  • Donna

    Absolutely loved this message thanks Rosemary. I join my prayers with yours for all the other women who have commented above or read these jottings. They have been a blessing to me.

  • Teresa Horvath

    “Don’t be afraid I am with you”, is one of the most powerful message from God.
    I was ready to resign from my job that I had hold for more that 20 years due
    to unfair circumstances, when I heard the Spirit of God tell me those words,
    I went back to work after taking long service leave obedient and trusting
    God, the impossible happened, was a big change in the Company and
    could work for many years until my happy retirement.
    Thanks God.