13 May 2020
Did we need to rush?
Because of isolation rules and reflecting on the last few months, we have been restricted in doing just the essentials. It’s made me wonder if I was allowing life to just rush by? I have had the absolute pleasure of living with four grandchildren, all girls ages 10, 9, 5, and 2 with their different personalities, likes and dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.
I had five children of my own but Bruce reminded me how we forget how busy life is, how noisy life is, how joyous life is with 1, 2, 3, 4 + children in tow. The shenanigans that go on in family life. Oh it made me laugh, chuckle. So much delight. Observing the sharing that occurs that melts your heart and then the next minute the squabbling over one toy.
We have tried our best home-schooling amongst the frustration of trying to work at home ourselves. I love how the 2-year-old Willow, is doing her ‘homework’ too, then she’s ready for a break. Her concentration is limited, so then she wants to play, and I am often her playmate.
Oh, so many adventures including the playing of hide and seek and if you take too long to find her, Willow yells out ‘Here I am.’ Then with a nerf gun, I am told to stay behind her, she creeps carefully around a corner of the house and shoots the bad guy. Oh, the smiles that enveloped my face at times. You should see her ‘creep walk.’ I have to hold my laughter in or I get frowned upon and told off, “You’ll tell the bad guys where we are.”
I had forgotten that feeling of dread and the screams when it was hair washing night! Children are all the same, no matter what generation. The best thing that came out of the weeks of living just at home was no rushing! We did not have to rush the kids to school so we could get to work on time. We did not have to put up with one of them crying, “I have not finished my breakfast,” as we dive for the car waiting impatiently in the driveway. For you know it was the car that was impatient not the driver – haha.
We did not have to rush to ballet or basketball practice after school because they were all on hold. It’s like we did not have to hold our breath anymore. We could actually breathe in deeply and enjoy the experience. Time was not like a bomb ticking away anymore, forcing us to go at a faster pace, to keep up. It used to say, “Dawdlers and daydreamers beware.” “You don’t fit in.” Into this fast-paced life. Now you could dream all you like (within reason).
Time actually felt like it stood still. We could breathe the fresh air. We really loved being able to walk down the road, to get that exercise in. Such delightful excursions down to the dry creek bed, exploring. Looking at the texture of leaves. Imagining where the animals slept at night. I felt like Peter Pan!
The children and I loved seeing all the teddy bears, monkeys, or any stuffed toy attached to a tree on our walks. For those of you who may have missed it, I don’t know who started it, but we were encouraged to put a bear out near a letterbox, in a tree or window like a scavenger hunt so children could find them when they went out walking. It was such great fun. I’ll miss those days when life starts up again. But do we have to miss them?
Can we not use this time to change the way we do life? Not rush, rush, rush but getting pleasure out of the simple things. We made cubby houses out of blankets and sheets. I remember doing that as a child too. Picnics on a blanket in the back yard. I sat down with the youngest two and watched monsters Inc., – a Disney movie. I did not get up and do the dishes at the same time, or put on the washing machine, trying to fit in all of the housework in the timeframe I had at home. No, I was now home enjoying the family, the discussions, the laughter.
The 5-year-old sitting beside me melted my heart when she leaned into me and said, “I love spending time with you, it’s been so much fun.” Then I had more time for my God, to pray, to think, talk to … In scripture it reminded me of Ecclesiastes 3 where it states, “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven… a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted…”
This is the season, if we notice it, of treasuring family relationships, friendships, people, even God more. (for He is the only one who can get us out of this pandemic, by revealing the vaccine to the scientists).
May we not lose this. May we not go back to our old ways. May we sit still over coffee with our friends, our families and not feel guilty that we are wasting time. May we treasure the moments we have with people, with our God. May we be still and know that He is God.
These days could be the most precious ever when we start meeting and sharing with people again. Forget how to spell that word. Say that word. (Rush). No, I did not say it. It’s gone out of my vocabulary. I’ve replaced it with Relax, restore, re-envision, renew, reward.
Yes, let’s Reduce the pace of Life and start finding delight in the simple things of life. Let’s Rejoice! Relish in the time we have with our Saviour, with our loved ones. So take a deep breath, in, out, let that blood pressure drop, put on that Lazy Sunday feeling and start making a list titled THINGS I’M KEEPING.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
What has brought you joy or a rethinking of life during isolation? What did you miss?
What will you keep in your life once things start returning to “normal?”
What will you get rid of? Is it time to make a keep/discard list?
Jan Cusack
Eccl3: one of my favorite Bible Passages. I have had it sung for all our family funerals. Good to reflect on and brings back memories of the song, Turn, turn, turn.
Love your jottings. Please keep them coming
I am so thankful that God hit the PAUSE button … like you, it has been sheer JOY to not have to be anywhere else but where I choose to be (most of the time).
I work in our parish office, always a busy place and weekend Mass can be an extension of work hours sometimes.
Our church doors have been closed, but our hearts have opened amazingly and creatively. I have had time to be more pastorally active, having time to stop and chat with elderly parishioners while dropping off parish newsletters and resources. It has been a great opportunity to listen to God and to others …
Delma R. Murray
I like reading your jottings Rosemary and this mornings message gives me hope and eagerness to experience those things with my Grandson Nicholas, my very first grandchild after 9yrs. Wait and it’s worth waiting for really. During this lockdown due to Covid-19 all my flights were cancelled to go visit my 2 daughters in Brisbabe but every week FaceTime n video messenger calls are very helpful for families and relatives around the world. Thank you foryour inspiration, today’s great! God bless you n Bruce!
Christine ONeill
Thank you Rosemary
Time to enjoy is wonderful. Even time alone it is something to appreciate, and time to thank God is important.
Theresa Annie
Thank you for this jotting Rosemary…it made me stop and think. Yes I’m isolated but I’m closer to God and family than I have ever been. Look for the rainbows..sometimes they are just behind the passing clouds. Prayers for you and your family❤️❤️
Thank you Rosemary – beautifully written and a lovely reminder for us to be still and remove that r rruusshh word from our lives!
Gabi williams
Rosemary. Your words echoed my heart as well. I am a nurse but was granted 4 weeks leave due to my request as my daughter having had a premature birth. Lots of hospital visits & medical checks for both her 3yr old & new born. She needed my help & support. I have enjoyed every difficult moment with her & the grandchildren. I’ve been playing barbie dolls & the imagination has flawed me at times. I’m not looking forward to the rush of my job next week although I have been blessed to have had the break & agree. I hope life doesn’t go back to how it was. That we do retain more of the peace a lot of people have found during this time of lock down. I pray for all those who have suffered during this time & strength for those who grieve their loss. May that also be loss of loved ones jobs security. Income. There is always the down side to everything. But by the grace of God…. all the best to you & u family & wider world.