8 July 2020

Social media is such a big thing now days. It can be so influential upon our minds. It can be used for good and the not so good.  If you’re not careful, especially those still forming their own opinions and thoughts (the young enquiring minds), you can get sucked into thinking things that are mean, rude, nasty, and full of gossip.

This was seen in my niece who had just become a teenager. She started questioning her Mum and Dad about different topics, which is quite normal, but there was a slant to her questions. It appeared to be one-sided in the discussion and full of meanness and even hatred.  At times her words were full of anger. After following up her questions, it was found she had read stuff on Facebook, Instagram and some Youtube videos. What came up in the discussion was that this was just one person’s opinion. She needed to work out over time, and once fully informed, what she thought.

It started me thinking – What am I reading? Am I filling my mind with Godly thoughts? Or am I reading gossip, slander, mischief, condemnation about other people? Am I being fully informed or reading biased information?  I may be more mature in my thinking, but I too can be influenced if I am not careful.

 I want to be like what is encouraged in Philippians 4:8.

“….Fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honourable. Put into practice what you learned and received from me, both from my words and from my actions. And the God who gives us peace will be with you.”

I want to saturate my mind with good, wholesome, kind thoughts of people. Thoughts of giving everyone second chances, actually seventy-seven times seven chances.

God can influence and change our thinking, our mindsets for good and so too our feelings and our actions follow.

Or we let others influence and change our thinking and often for the not so good. We have no confidence in ourselves at times because we listen to what people may say about us.

David was a teenage boy who allowed God to influence his thinking about himself, about his people, about his God and he was called into action in a scary situation. He went one day, sent by his Father, to see how his brothers were going in the battle against the Philistines. Not good! Or so David observed.

The entire Hebrew Army quivered in fear in front of this huge man Goliath – the Philistine hero. King Saul was even at a loss to know what to do, but that is because he was now only working in the human realm. Saul’s anointing from God had been lifted off him due to his unfaithfulness.

David surveyed the situation and responded in faith to this giant who was brandishing a sword. He knew what to do. He responded first to the rude, dishonouring accusations by Goliath about his God. They were not true and downright humiliating, and no one was doing anything about it. So, David did.

He did not care that his brothers thought him ridiculous. He stood up for what was right. Not necessarily what was popular, or what everyone else was doing. He knew His God would back Him and was all powerful. The Almighty. He had never come across a Goliath before, but he had come across a roaring bear in the sheep pasture.

Are there any Goliaths in our lives that need a person with faith to move forward knowing that God is at our side? Knowing that God has or will provide us with everything we need right when we need it.

Is your Goliath right now unemployment, bills mounting up, growing by the day? Looking so insurmountable. Like a huge unclimbable mountain.

Is your Goliath people you can never please, whiskey you can’t resist, pornography you can’t refuse? A future that looks so bleak?

The same God who helped David with a slingshot and stones from the ordinary ground to kill his Giant, is alive and well and can help you too. We may not see how that is possible, but God has a way. He wants good for everyone but only those who choose to accept Him can receive what He has in store. Good works. Goodness. Blessings.

So where do good thoughts fit in? David had to know himself. Know his capabilities. Not be affected by the “bad” words shared by Goliath. Not be affected by the disheartening words of his brothers who told him, “Go back to the sheep pasture.” David needed to know himself in God.

And so too us. Who are we in Jesus Christ? A son or a daughter of the Living God.  Heirs to His Kingdom, who have eternal life.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.


What pieces of media are you reading and listening to that influence your thoughts?

Are you filling your mind with Godly thoughts?

Go back and read Philipians 4:8. Are you filling your mind with those things that are good and deserve praise?

Where are the Goliaths in your life that you could ask God into?


  • Yvonne McAskill

    I like the way you bring our Bible stories into the now, when we can do this we are speaking with authority as Jesus did when he made Gods word flesh among us.
    Thank you and I pray for your continual support for each of us who are trying to be the loving person God created us to be.

  • Colleen Valerie VanHaeften

    Thank you Rosemary. Such an inspiring way of thinking of how to deal with some of the Goliaths in our lives.
    God bless

  • Deanna Francke

    Thank you Rosemary fabulous words as always. You & Bruce both have been blessed with a special talent of delivering ordinary truths in a special way. Keep up the good work.
    May God Bless you both your family & team abundantly.

  • Dee

    Thanks Rosemary for your words of encouragement, reminding me that it is only God who can fight the Goliaths in our lives. I am going through a terrible rough time with my husband and I need Him to intervene so much.

  • Christine ONeill

    Thankyou Rosemary
    Your blog is so true and so down to earth. We all have Goliaths in our lives. I need to solve mine one step at a time, each step accompanied by prayer.
    Thank you again.