23 June 2021

A farmer plants a kernel of corn. Plants a whole row of them. Such a small thing. Maybe a cm by a cm, or half an inch by a half an inch in size. After watering it, feeding it with fertilizer, having planted it in good soil and praying for the sunshine, it grows. And grows and grows. And when it is time to harvest this one kernel (seed) produces a whole plant full of corn cobs to feed many. Upon reflection of planting and feeding and harvesting it can tell us many things about life. Jesus used these examples many times to share truths to those who would listen.

Firstly, that the season of planting and the season of harvesting are at different times. You don’t sow a seed and reap a crop all on the same day. There is time needed for the seed to germinate, to grow, to develop and produce mature plants. But eventually what is sown will reap a reward at harvest time.

So too, this truth occurs in us.

We can sow into our children, our work, our own lives but the reaping of the rewards takes time. We need to continue to water, fertilize, pour upon the SON (Jesus Christ) for the person, the work, our life to grow. The harvest time is different for different plants, so too the harvest time is different for different people, different works. If the sun does not shine on the plants, the plant is weaker, it won’t grow as well or mature into a full blown crop. So too we need the SON to GROW our crops.

Secondly, the scriptural truth of what you sow, you are going to reap holds true – for good or for bad. You will harvest whatever you plant. If you sow criticism, people will criticisize you. If you plant resentment, people will resent you. If you gossip, guess what? So, if you want a turn around in your life, in your family’s life, ask God to change what you plant. If you are planting the right seeds – don’t give up! Keep watering, fertilizing, praying for the SON. Jesus can turn around anything. Wait for the Harvest. God’s timing. God’s plan. God’s time to reap.

You will reap what you sow.

And way more than you could imagine! You always get back more than what you put in – The kingdom principle. Also through the generous nature of God who desires to spoil his children and give them good gifts.

One kernel of corn does not give you one kernel of corn but a whole crop to feed many. If you sow kindness, you will reap kindness. If you sow generosity, you will reap generosity. ….

We sow into this ministry believing God will reap a harvest in His time. We even now see the benefits in people’s lives but we believe for more people and more blessings.

What do you need more of? Give it away and you’ll get more back in the season of Harvest and in the timing God has for you. God wants you to trust Him for the Harvest. In the season of waiting have FAITH in that time between the planting and the harvesting. Keep you hearts and lives focused on Christ. HE CAN DO IT! Trust God will provide you with HIS GRACE in the waiting season.

And so, at this time in my life I am going to WAIT for the harvest. Wait for the Season that I know will come. I’m asking you to WAIT with me.

Will you join me in Ministry to reach others, to pray for others to come to know the LORD? Will you sow into this Ministry by giving of your substance, of your time, of you sending emails, these blogs, videos, podcasts to family, friends, neighbours, people? Will you Give to this Ministry so what we plant can grow into a crop ready for harvest?

No matter how small a kernel of corn it grows into a plant full of cobs. No matter how small a gift, God can grow it into abundance for all people to come to know Him.

Will you plant? Will you continue to Plant? Join with me.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.


Where do you need to sow in your life?

Do you need to change what you are planting? Do you need to ask God to help you to be more kind, more generous, more…?

Do you need to trust in God more while you are waiting to see the harvest?


  • Lois D’Arcy

    Thank you for sharing your heart and your love with our loving , compassionate, kind ,merciful and eternal God , who reaches out to us in so many different ways to draw us closer to Him and to each other. I love your presentations. You are certainly planting many seeds that I am sure you will reap wonderful rewards from our Heavenly Father throughout the years to come.
    I feel blessed that I am able to watch and read captions on u tube as I am deaf . Your presentations give me the fellowship we all need to keep us strong in the Lord . Your encouragement,understanding in allowing me to join with you in prayer is a great comfort .
    Thank you and may you be blessed in all your good works and with the seeds you have sown.

    Love and blessings


  • Deanna Francke

    Thank you Rosemary always you provide such encouraging words keep them coming. May God Bless you, Bruce & the team abundantly with all you require to keep doing this work that you do so well. 🌺🤩🙏

  • Shirin David

    Thanku Rosemary ! It’s beautiful and encouraging and a good source and way of reflection into our own lives . I will share with my group .. to be encouraged . God bless u .. keep writing .. God use you mightily . … Shirin

  • Valerie Simms

    Thank you Rosemary for your blog about reaping and sowing and very relevant to me waiting!
    We are half way through this year, and yes Rosemary I too thought last year had it’s challenges!
    This year has presented more new and difficult challenges! I have been while praying, listening
    with my heart to what the Lord wants to say to me and the word patient and wait came up.The
    word wait came up in scripture passages I was reading. Instead I made a big blunder and com-
    plained! If you could please pray for me Rosemary that the Lord helps me to pick myself up,
    after asking the Lord for forgiveness and dust off all the big blunders, and help me to see if there
    is anything that has grown this year. I would appreciate it your prayers very much!!!
    In Christ’s Love