I Have No Time!

Is anyone else in the same boat? The hours of every day seem to be getting fuller and fuller. Less time for leisure, for the things I would like to do.

I’m far from retired, but I have heard that retired people often are busier than ever before. I believe it.

I thought I would have heaps of time, after the children grew up. After the children left home. When it was now only Bruce and me in the house.

But no, I seem to squash in more and more things. Maybe that’s one of the problems. Not saying ‘no.’

But I would like to do it all.

So how do I fit in exercise? – I really need to do some, for I am no longer running after 5 children. How do I fit in more reading for leisure and for study? – for I feel a need for more knowledge of life, of myself, of my God.

Then I thought about how I used to be good at juggling lots of different tasks – all at the same time. So why can’t I use this skill to my advantage and not just because I had to?

While doing the dishes, gardening, walking, exercising, having a shower, driving in the car to appointments – why don’t I listen to podcasts more? It’s a type of reading. Listen to books via audio podcasts.  It will expand my mind. Expand my knowledge. Then when I get home or come inside from my tasks, I can explore areas that pique my interest.

Maybe look up that scripture again, that I heard about. Look up more information on a topic that interested me. Meditate in prayer on my thoughts, or God’s Holy Spirit thoughts.

I often find if I’m listening to a song, my Spirit soars and I start worshiping God in that moment. Normally away by myself, in the quiet of my room or if in public, I worship Him quietly under my breathe.

Sometimes when I’m babysitting, if the children are watching a movie and I’m not watching it with them, I listen to a song myself with my headphones.

I’m still present to them when I need to be, watching protectively over them, but often as they get older it is not as much hands on playing with them.

Actually, if we are cooking, we all listen to a song together and more often than not the children sing along with me as we are mixing the dough – oh what joy! We share our songs to God together – our enjoyment together. I’ve often made up songs and we all learn them – young children love this – especially if you use their name in the song.

I feel like I’m not wasting time anymore and also fitting so much into my day.

My enjoyment of the day has increased.

I feel that my knowledge and wisdom has increased and that is mainly because I am thinking about and meditating upon what happens in my life. Talking to God about stuff – everything actually. Praying through so much. Funny to say but often having more questions than answers but feeling content.

What could you do to make more time in your life? Share with us your gems of wisdom.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.


What could you do to make more time in your life?

How do you fit in everything you want to do?


  • Maureen Green

    I saved up a pile of books to read when I gave up work and had loads of time to read.
    Now I am retired, my eye sight is not so good, neither is my concentration. So the going is very slow. I read a few pages and take a break. My advice is dont put anything off for a future time just make time now and get on with it!

    • Jean Merron

      I try to read more now but at 79 my eye site not so good I waiting cataract surgery I try the impossible read 2 books at a time one in afternoon worn I go for coffee one at night before bed but sidelines I get the charters of the two books mixed up lol I love Rosemary’s journals so interesting
      My hubby git terminal cancer but still walking around he get tired we both do we don’t have a set routine anymore and I’m a night owl we both tend to sleep till 12 noon but we have had years early years with with and children so who cares now we enjoy what time we have left

  • Leticia Nunez

    Totally agree with you Maureen. Tomorrow on this earth is not promised. My Dad worked so hard and saved for his retirement. Foregoing vacations. He died at the age of 56.

  • Valerie Lack

    Sufficient onto the day, are the labours thereof. Agree with the above, as you get older, you get tired very quickly. In my eighteenth year, I have had to learn to pace myself, for health reasons. No longer swim every day, nor force myself to do a prescribed number of laps. Spread the weekly workload over more days, rather frustrating, actually. But necessary. Can no longer do heavy lifting. The blessing is in the fact that there are more quiet spaces in the day now, more time to listen for the divine.

  • deanna Francke

    Rosemary thank you for your helpful insights. We have to take each day as it comes & try to do our very best in finding enough time for everything we have to do each day, & leave the rest to God.
    I pray that God will bless you, Bruce & team abundantly with all the resources you need to take His message to the ends of the earth. 💝✝🙏

  • Sandie

    When busy raising 6 children I would shoot up a quick prayer in the morning and continue throughout the day, quiet time was a brief time in the bathroom!!!! With a prayer ..Help! The first time I had a “real alone time” was when the last little one was in. kindergarten….what a treasure it was to me!!! I started to journal… that was life changing! I hope all you poured out goes to young moms…as it makes life so much better!!! Jesus… Don’t leave home without Him😉