There’s Always Love

There was one very excited little girl on the morning of her sixth birthday. Actually, Mackenzie had been excited all week, to the point when her Mum picked her up from school on the Monday and her birthday was not for two more days, she had plans.

She told her Mum that she had been “inviting people” to her birthday and her Mum was like “what??? We’re not having a party, any parties this year.”

Mackenzie’s smile on her face dropped. “What do you mean?”

Mum explained that one year they will have parties, the next year they won’t. “But what about my friend Evie? Who was so excited about coming?” Evie was Mackenzie’s best friend. They wanted to do everything together.

Later the phone rang. It was Evie’s mother enquiring about the Birthday Party. Evie was so excited about coming to the Party, she can’t get to sleep, she said.

 After explaining to her what had happened, they organized a play afternoon to replace the missing birthday party.

Mackenzie was satisfied.

On the day of her birthday, she took 24 unicorn cupcakes to school to give to all the children in her class. After seeing all the photos of Mackenzie with a big wide grin and the cupcakes she was taking to share with everyone, I felt a great sense of pride and love for her Mum who had spoilt her little girl and given her great pleasure with her “school party”.

Mackenzie’s Mum, Brigette, also wrote a spiel about her. Telling her and everyone who read it, what a delightful little girl she was. How she and her Dad, Joel, love her heart and love watching her grow and explore new things. After reading it I sat and thought how important it is to tell the people in your life… I love you. Especially on those special days. But not just on special days.

Reflecting later when I was reading in prayer.

God wants us to know HE LOVES US. ALWAYS.

Not “I used to love you when you behaved.” Or “I used to love you before you began to live a life apart from me.”

Jesus did NOT say “I will love you again once you get your stuff, your act together.”


“In this very moment, where you are, in all of your guilt, your pain, your hurt, your wounds, your sins, your imperfections, I LOVE YOU.” Jesus said.

Just like in scripture in the book of John.

… He first loved us.

1 John 4:19

At the core of the human heart, we all desire to be loved unconditionally.

Well, that comes from God Our Father. His LOVE is perfect, forever, unconditional.

 Brigette making cupcakes for her daughter’s birthday was special. How many more gifts from Our Heavenly Father do we receive because he desires to give us good things?

Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:17 NRSV

Mackenzie gave her Mum a big hug and said, “Thanks Mum.” “You’re welcome.”

Do we give thanks to God for all that He gives us? For his LOVE and kindness? For his Eternal Life? Go live with grateful hearts! Go say thank you.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.


Do you give thanks to God for all that He gives you? For his LOVE and kindness? For his Eternal Life?

What can you be grateful for today?


  • Helene Williamson

    I loved this story Rosemary – reminded me of when my kids were young. Please be sure to wish Mackensie a very Happy Birthday even if the wishes are late.


  • Tenza Jerkovic

    Thank you Rosmary.Yes l do thank Our Lord for everything in my life.Altough ,at times feel sad that l am not doing enough for Our Lord.God bless .🙏❤🌹