Blaming Others
A conversation with Willow, my five-year-old granddaughter, and her Mum went something like this… They were driving in the car.
“Mum, I need water.”
“Well, did you bring your water?”
“No, you have to bring it.”
“It’s not my job to bring you water. If you want it, you need to bring it. I bought water bottles for you all.”
“But humans need water to survive!” was Willow’s reply.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have any, you should have brought it.”
“But Jesus is the one that provides water.” Willow said.
Mum’s reply to this drew a major eye roll and glare from Willow.
“He has…. it’s currently raining.”
Mum then told her jokingly, when they stop, “to stick her head out the window with her tongue out and catch some rain.”
Willow’s final reply, “No, cos you’ll tell me off cos I might get my head chopped off!”
I had to laugh.
How often do we blame someone else for things that we should have done ourselves? Willow knows that everyone brings their own water bottle to the car when they go out. Belonging to a family of six and trying to be careful in spending, especially when things cost so much these days, all their family members know that a drink will not be bought for you. You bring your own water. Mum resolved the situation to everyone’s contentment, when after picking up one of Willow’s sisters, (who had her water bottle with her) Willow finally got her drink.
I felt as an outsider listening in to this conversation that I often, in years gone by, would excuse my behaviour, my laziness, my lack of diligence with any reason, and blame someone else for my mistakes. I was just like Willow. Blaming Mum for not bringing the water.
Blaming God that He did not care for me.
Blaming my Mum or Dad for not teaching me…. not being able to provide for me, the litany goes on……
We so often don’t want to take the blame, to own up to our mistakes. Extending this idea further we judge that people are unfair to us but don’t often see when we are unfair to them.
In the book of Matthew Jesus stated that we often see the speck in our brother’s eye, and we don’t see the plank in our own.
3 Why do you see the speck in your neighbour’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your neighbour, “Let me take the speck out of your eye”, while the log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbour’s eye.
Matthew 7:3-5 NRSV
And again, in Romans 2:1-29
Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgement on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.
Romans 2:1 NRSV
Willow was just being a forgetful five-year-old who had forgotten her water bottle. But she did blame her Mum for not having water for her. She needed to realise that she was becoming old enough to take responsibility for her own things and actions.
Are we old enough to realise that we need to take responsibility for our actions and decisions? For our things?
The next day the family went out to visit some friends, as Willow hopped into the car she stopped and turned back towards the house.
“Wait. I’ll be there in a minute. I forgot my water bottle!”
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
How often do you judge and blame others for things that you should take responsibility for?
How often do you pass judgement on others?
What can you do to look at your own actions?
The sacrament of reconciliation gives us an opportunity to reflect on who we are and where we pass judgement. Do you think that you could attend reconciliation? Has your experience of reconciliation helped you to reflect on your own actions?
Valerie Lack
Dear Rosemary,
In answer to the first question, judging others has always made me feel very uncomfortable, my own shortcomings are too numerous . Which leads to the next question, now here is the dilemma No not my neighbours or family, but yes to the politicians we see on the television.
Question three, what can you do to look at your own actions. The answer is – shudder
I often wonder about the difference between judgement and evaluation.
Having not been brought up with Reconciliation, it hasn’t been a thing I feel compelled to do on a regular basis. My husbands uncle always said, that it is of no value to say sorry, unless you really mean it and don’t do whatever you are sorry for again.
Personally in prayer, sorry and forgive me are a big part. There is comfort in knowing that The Holy Trinity know every aspect of me. God knows when or if my contrition is true and honest or not. There is relief to know that GOD loves me warts and all
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing with us about your grand daughter Willow, who forgot to take a bottle of water with her and blamed her Mum for doing so. I can imagine her as being a dear funny little girl! As adults blaming others can be of a more serious problem. Whenever I have seen on TV news, injustices being committed, I find it very hard not to be angry and quite vocal! Later I will recall and reflect on the Scripture verse, do not Judge or you shall be judged… And once again I regret doing this! As God is the true Judge of humanity He created! A thought came into my mind just now, before I make a comment, I could pray to the Lord silently from my heart instead! We live in a culture where pointing the finger and speaking out whatever displeases us, whether it be a law, a politician, a person in our family, a neighbour or even a stranger!!! I have also noticed I can be very critical about myself too. One morning I felt quite happy with myself and thanked the Lord that I was able to do all I needed to do to get out of apartment, in order to get to Church on time, and I hadn’t forgotten anything that I needed to take with me, so I thought! Then I realized at the train station close to home I had forgotten to put in my bottom dentures!!! How did I manage to forget that??? It actually dawned on me, that being in such a rush that the dentures were the only thing I forgot to take! And the only time I realized that I didn’t have the dentures with me is when I began to speak to the station master! The only person to blame was myself!!! I thank the Lord that we can learn by our mistakes!!! But most of all I thank the Lord that we can go to Reconciliation and be forgiven for our sins and with His help not to do these sins again. May the Lord bless you Rosemary for encouraging us to see our failings, faults, sins and for making helpful suggestions, as well as sharing with us and we can do the same in return!!!
In Christ’s Love