10 June 2020
Our World appears to be in Crisis. With the deaths of black men and women to unjust causes that have been happening recently, but also over hundreds of years all around the world, and so many protest marches that have been occurring.
Many millions of lives are decimated by the Covid-19 virus with deaths, bankruptcies, and rife unemployment.
It is hard to think of anything else besides what is unfolding in our Communities, and what is being seen on every tv station. As a result, it can be tempting to lose our peace.
In Mark 4: 37 – 40 (AMP), it says, “And a fierce windstorm began to blow and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already being swamped. But Jesus was in the stern, asleep with his head on the cushion. And they woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are about to die?”
The circumstances there on the water did not look good. Even the disciples who were fishermen, and were very used to the water and storms, were afraid. It frustrated them greatly that Jesus was asleep. He did not seem to care about their situation! They were going to die!
Jesus response was noted in verse 39. “And He got up and sternly rebuked the wind and said to the seas, “Hush be still, be muzzled.”
And the wind died down as if it had grown weary and there was at once a great calm – a perfect peacefulness.
In verse 40, Jesus said to them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith and confidence in Me?” That is the response Jesus would say to us right now too. Trust in Me. Have Faith in Me. Be at Peace. The outward circumstances don’t look good. It appears scary. It can be very overwhelming. But do not be afraid! I am with you. I am in charge.
Just like David in Psalm 61:2, “From the end of the earth I will cry to you. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
We are reminded time and time again that God is looking after us. In Psalm 94:19, it says, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”
In Psalm 37:24, it says, “Though He may stumble, he will not fall for the Lord upholds him with His hand.”
This “storm” in our world right now did not take God by surprise. He knew all of what was going to occur, and He wants us to remember He is with us. God is in our boat with us right now and we will not be harmed.
Faith may look messy. I still have my hair all windswept and knotted from the storm, my clothes are matted by the wind and rain and waves that are crashing over the bow of my life, but I have an inner peace and calm that only God brings and I move forward into the unknown with confidence and certainty that I follow a God who is my Protector, as described in Psalm 18:2, “The Lord is my protector, He is my strong fortress. My God is my protection and with Him I am safe.”
Now more than ever I need to hold onto the promise in Jeremiah 29:11, “He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper, plans to give us a hope and a future.”
When we Hope in Him, – Christ Jesus, – that is beyond ourselves and our ability, Our Saviour cannot help but come to Our Aid. Our Saviour comes with all the Power of the resurrection available to us.
Christian Hope is the confident affirmation that God is Faithful, that He will complete what He has begun. That we have confidence that things will ‘work out’ especially when it seems otherwise. This confident expectation which waits patiently and full of love for God’s purposes to be fulfilled.
Hope believes at times in the impossible.
But we follow and trust in a ‘Possible God’ of all impossibilities.
Remember, “when we are down to nothing,
God is up to something.”
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Where is the storm in your life? Do you have faith that God will bring you peace?
Where do you need to trust in the God of impossibilities?
Thank you Rosemary. We are all in the storm at present but Jesus will calm the waves.
Thank you for reminding us of all His promises. There is always a peace within when you trust the person who gives you their promise of accompaniment
Helen Bradford
This really spoke to me and therefore I felt compelled to pass it on to my daughter. I hope and pray that it speaks to her to. The Lord is good. God Bless You. Keep up your good work.
Carolyn Ambrose
Thanks Rosemary, I am glad I read your ‘Jottings from my Journal’ today as I have been feeling rather anxious these few days.
God bless and keep you and your family safe and well
Marion Rabuka
Thanks for sharing. Love and blessings to you all.
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for a very encouraging passage you have jotted down in your journal!
You have jotted down some of my most favourite Scripture verses and one of my longtime
favourite is Jeremiah 29:11. This particular verse comes to my mind whenever I am in difficulty.
Especially when my circumstances surrounding me seems grim. I’ve noticed that I find myself
turning to the Lord’s Word as soon as I possibly can when I feel anxious, afraid, confused and
unable to make an important decision. Very many times I have received relief after a quick
prayer of help from my caring Lord and an immediate look into the Scriptures, then comes
that peace that surpasses all understanding. However there are times when the Lord in His
Word is advising for me to wait, and give all my cares to Him. Trying to be patient while He sorts
situations, circumstances,difficulties that are out of my control, all in His good time. In those
times that seem to be often the Holy Spirit reminds me of certain words then off I go searching
for them in the Bible, in prayer books, in a novel, in my own booklet of jottings etc.
One example is Romans 8:28
We know that all things work together for good for those who love God,
who are called according to His purpose.
And on that Scripture verse I’ll finish my comment!
In Christ’s Love
Odell Roundtree
Thank you for a lesson that is so needed during thisd rtime in all of our lives, I guess we can say, “If it ain’t one thing it is another.” For those of us who trust in Jesus, we feel secure. However it is a good time to pray for those who are just lost during these time.
Thank you again for a good lesson.
Deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary wonderful words as always just what we need to hear right now to stop those feelings of anxiousness & trust in God who is our keeper in all circumstances.
May God bless you, Bruce & the team.
Rosie Imbert
Thank you Rose for giving us the strength and courage in our daily lives n fully trusting God🙏🙏
Teresa Horvath
Thanks Rosemary, a bit late in catching up with my mail, but what a wonderful gift from our Lord to us
with nothing less than the promises a good Father to their children.