19 August 2020
I’m so glad no one can see me right now. Oh the vanity and pride of “me.” I have conjunctivitis and a blocked infected tear duct and look like I have gone five rounds with Mike Tyson. (A boxer, for those who may not know who he is.)
I walk into the shops, social distancing and mask wearing (where appropriate) but also with dark sunglasses on. Maybe I should buy a pirate eyepatch? That way I don’t scare people too much.
Oh I laugh about it actually. Here I am old enough now to have to wear glasses to read but squinting with the glasses on to see through the smear of the antibiotic eye ointment.
It has made me reflect upon how we want to be perceived, and so accepted by everyone.
I might, with a “bung” eye, cause too many people to take a step or two back from me.
But what if people could see into me and see the “Bung” areas of my life? Where I am imperfect, soiled, downright dirty even?
We see it so often in teenagers. The need to fit in and be accepted. But to be honest it is not just teenagers that want this. We all do!
That is one area where Our Lord outdoes himself. Where Jesus stands out. Jesus accepts everyone. Jesus loves everyone. Jesus looks at everyone, however we look, however we are made, however we have turned out, whatever background we come from and LOVES.

The adulterous woman is a prime example.
In Matthew 15:21-28, After being brought to Jesus, and her ‘dirty’ background shown for all to see, the Pharisees wanted Jesus to judge her. They of course were wanting to trip Jesus up on the law, they did not actually even care about this woman, but Jesus did.
Jesus did not condemn her. He saved her by his response and loved her by saying here’s another chance for you. Go, live your life that I have given back to you and sin no more. Make different choices. Go live in freedom with a new start.
He Loved her and freed her life, freed her from her past and set her into a new beginning for her future. He accepted her, but encouraged her to be, do differently.
He knew, he saw her life. He saw her ‘bunged’ eye and did not condemn her. Oh what love and acceptance. Oh what grace for a new beginning.
That is available to us all.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Did you read that? Do you hear that? While we have ‘bunged’ areas in our lives, sins, ways of living, attitudes that are not good and wholesome and perfect, Christ still loves us. Christ still died for us, for ALL who truly hear, ALL who call out to God, All who acknowledge Him as Lord and Saviour. Eternal Life will be our reward. It is offered to ALL.
Just like here Jesus offered to the woman her freedom, an eternal new life, she had to accept it. She had to go away and sin no more. And so too do we. Do we accept? Do we accept that new life Jesus offers?
The rest of the story though is NOT this woman now living by herself, trying herself, working at her life herself. NO. It is an ongoing intimate relationship with the Saviour. With the giver of Life. An ongoing LOVE relationship where Jesus can help us and heal us in all our ‘bunged’ areas of ourselves,
So as I look into the mirror every few hours to see how the eye looks. To see if it looks worse or if it’s getting better.
(I’m being honest here, cause I do.)
I tell myself and tell Jesus. Lord help me in my other ‘bunged’ up areas of my life. Heal them and draw me ever closer to you. May I not just walk away. May I choose to change my life, my attitudes, myself the best way I know how but also give myself more to you so you can change me.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Where are the ‘bung’ areas of your life?
Where does God accept you?
Are you accepting the new life Jesus gives you?
Valerie Simms
Hello Rosemary I can really relate to how you feel concerning your bung eye! I have had three bottom front teeth pulled out and it seems there’s more to come! I’m already feeling gummy! Then there’s the problem with my hair looking so frizzy that it appears all the ends of my hair sticks out as if a giant magnet has been placed close to my head! No matter how much anti frizz I use it makes no difference! It may have to do with the electro- magnetic field that is within the apartment, with the amount of computers, mobile phones, even the power box is inside the house! Not to mention the hopes and dreams I had that have gone bung!!! A few of these are in the important category. Covid 19 has added to the difficulty! Dare i say more?!!! This morning i went to Church feeling miserable and left as the last one physically there, spending time alone with the Lord. Lately I have been asking for the Lord to speak to me concerning one of these bung situations, asking Him what to do and had no reply, only a head that had such a tight grip like I had a vice, blocking all pathways for communication with God! Today a small miracle happened ” Be still and know that I am God” ! i had the new Bible I purchased from Bruce and read the Psalm where this verse came from. This brought a memory flashing back where a minister from a Protestant church out of the blue, spoke these very same words when I was experiencing what appeared to be depression and anxiety. It wasn’t long after, perhaps a week or two, after hearing these words that the depression lifted! I then also remembered Bruce asking us a couple of days ago, in the Daily Devotional to list all that the Lord had done for us in the past when we were facing difficulties, crisis and problems! The Holy Spirit was definitely reminding me, speaking to me! And that’s not all. When I came home, the word device popped into my head! I recalled reading this word also in the Bible. i decided not to ignore it as I was already on a roll from what had happened in Church! I looked it up in my old Bible thinking that I had highlighted a passage with this word in it. But no! then after fumbling for a little while the Psalm’s number popped up in my mind! I looked up the Psalm and there again came the words BE STILL ! I continued to read ” Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret….” I am now not the same as I was this morning, before entering the Church!!! I am going to stop here Rosemary, I do like to go on and on! So the Lord is reminding me that He does listen and answer prayers!!! By the way the Psalms are 46 and 37. Thank you Rosemary for your blog and for your videos. Please keep up the good work! God bless you, Valerie
PS I’d better write all this down before I forget! And could you please let Bruce know that his idea has come in very handy!Bye for now
Rose Chan
Thank you Valerie for your sharing… I can really feel you.
Rosemary, although I do not comment here often but the Lord speaks to me through you & Bruce, more than I can say.
Thank you for your sharing above- it’s a reminder that our Lord has forgiven me (i fell again) & that I can start again to draw closer to Him…
God bless you, Bruce & your wonderful team!!