• Listen and Look at Your Heart

    As Father leaned over and blessed the baby with the sign of the cross, he verbally stated to the newly baptised one, “Now that did not hurt, did it?” Her 5-year-old sister piped up, speaking and looking directly to Father. “She does not understand you. She is only a baby.” Now the soothing tone of the Priest I’m sure helped but yes, the baby in question, being only 4 months old, probably did not understand.  How many times have we said things to babies, to children, to adults even, and they did not understand what we said?  My husband, Bruce, often states that’s what spurred him on in the first place…

  • Where Are You Planted?

    Bruce and I have been gardening. We have bought some trees to plant in the backyard. We don’t know very much about plants, so we have gone to the experts. The people who work with plants and trees in nurseries. We found out that some people just work there and know no more than us. While others have a plethora of knowledge which we so eagerly delved into. If we were going to get our small trees to grow to their full potential, we needed to know the soil to put them into, how much water and fertilizer they needed and what type of sunlight was best for their growth.…

  • The Lord Knows and He Cares

    The runny nose started it off with a splitting headache. I was coming down with a cold. The aches and pains and feeling rubbish continued that night as I tossed in bed to get comfortable. It was not happening. The weather was warming up and so was I. If I sat up in bed the runny nose flowed but if I lay down, I felt like I was choking on the saliva and mucus. Getting a cold once a year was quite common for me years ago but in the last few years with covid and the increase of hand sanitizer etc., I have avoided them.  My regular routine went out the…

  • I am Proud of You!

    “I’m very proud of you.” These words came out of my lips as my young grandson was telling me about his accomplishments on the athletics field. Then not long after it was followed with the words – “I would be proud of you no matter where you had come, just as long as you tried your best. That’s all God asks of us in life.” Jesus describes it like this. You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored?…   You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid… let your light…

  • Jesus is Who we Follow

    The older brother, Freddie (who is 8), nudged his younger brother, Emmett (who is 5 ), and said, “why don’t you tell Grammie?” All of a sudden Emmett’s face went bright red and he looked angrily at Freddie. His eyes turned to mine, and you could see his mind going back and forth trying to decide if he should share the news. I waited patiently for him to make his choice. All of a sudden, he blurted out, “I have a girlfriend.” I smiled and said, “that’s nice.” It was beautiful to watch his face change from being a bright red beetroot to his normal complexion and his body change…