So Many Questions
Have you noticed that young children have so many questions? Here are a few from some of my grandchildren. “Did Jesus visit Australia when he lived on the earth?” “Mum, in the 80’s were dinosaurs real?” “Why can’t we breathe under water?” “Is Pa in another world?” “I can go to school tomorrow, can’t I ?, cause my belly does not hurt, I’m not sick anymore and my little bit of a runny nose is ok cause I can blow it at school. (From Someone who loves school) Some of these questions are easy to answer. Others are more difficult to articulate. Then I realised, I too, always have so…
Living for Truth
They were interviewing a lawyer who gave up her work a year ago to become a commander fighting in the army because of where she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. Like many civilians, she could not stand around “doing nothing” while her beloved country was being invaded. She sent her seven-year-old son away to be safe, to live with an aunt in another country. My hat goes off to her for her bravery. Would I do the same if our country was invaded? She went on to say, “You see buildings and houses blowing up and people dying, and you understand at that moment that we have something more important than…
What is Stopping You?
A myriad of colours splashed across the canvas for the artist’s pleasure. But also, for ours. Their gift seen in all its splendour, but do we truly know them. Only part of who they are is depicted in their drawings, their paintings. Sometimes the artist’s innermost self is displayed for all to see while others represent a fantasy, a possibility of a better life. I’m standing at the Lume Art display and all these thoughts transverse across my mind. Some artists more than others enthral me. I desire to know more about them personally. I desire to know their story. I am drawn to what they create. As I am enjoying…
Praying for Us
We have just celebrated Mother’s Day here where we live. A time when we honour our Mothers for who they are and what they have done for us. We know they are not perfect but most Mothers try their very best to love and give of themselves to their family. I find it a privilege and an honour that my children want to come and visit me on this day. To tell me, even in a small way, thank you for your giving of yourself to us. For those who maybe are not physical Mothers, we honour you for being Spiritual Mothers to people in your lives. To do this…
His Unfolding Grace
The little one was so excited to show me his mouth. As he opened it wide and smiled at me, I first thought what is he wanting me to see? Then I saw it. A gap in the bottom row of teeth. He was so proud. Why? Emmett has recently turned 5. He has a big brother and two sisters. For some reason He always wants to be the same as his big brother, Freddie. If he is not wanting to be the same as his big brother, then he is wanting to beat him. NOT beat him up but better him in sport, in trying, in anything really. He…