You are a Daughter of the King!
Daddy says to his little girl (One of my 4-year-old granddaughters) “How’s my Princess?” My granddaughter says, “I’m not a princess Dad.” “I’m a girl. I’m just a little girl.” Do we need to be reminded that we are Princesses? For that is what God Our Father, our heavenly Dad, calls us – His Daughter and so therefore His Princess for He is the King. We are not just His little girls but His little (or big) Princesses. He wants us to come to Him. He draws us to Himself. He loves us. “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven…
Blaming Others
A conversation with Willow, my five-year-old granddaughter, and her Mum went something like this… They were driving in the car. “Mum, I need water.” “Well, did you bring your water?” “No, you have to bring it.” “It’s not my job to bring you water. If you want it, you need to bring it. I bought water bottles for you all.” “But humans need water to survive!” was Willow’s reply. “I’m sorry, I don’t have any, you should have brought it.” “But Jesus is the one that provides water.” Willow said. Mum’s reply to this drew a major eye roll and glare from Willow. “He has…. it’s currently raining.” Mum then…
Are You Missing the Signs?
Keep Left. I had one of those days. Seem to have a lot lately. Rushed. List upon list of things to do. It was later in the day when the incident happened. Just when the traffic was starting to get congested from everyone leaving work and going home. I had just dropped off one of my granddaughter’s birthday presents. Then I was heading off to a different daughter’s house for dinner. Without thinking, just basically driving robotically, I had nearly reached the stop sign at the intersection. “Oh no!” I said out loud. Not this intersection. It is one of the deadliest intersections you can try and cross, especially at…
Finding Rest
Have you ever felt very empty? The brain is not working, the body is too tired. It’s just all BLANK in the mind. I don’t often get that way but sometimes when I have over-worked on a shift, pushed myself with night after night lack of sleep, the brain is mush. Nothing is going in and nothing is coming out. That’s when I often sit in prayer and just sit. God must be enjoying my silence, for some days I open my mouth and go on and on with my issues and problems and prayers. He must think, ‘oh no Rosemary going on and on again.’ Actually, that’s how we…
God Will Carry You
After a long few days of lifting and unpacking boxes my muscles were feeling decidedly sore. I have a couple of injuries involving damaged muscles and tendons that I did a few years ago, where if I do not care for them, they can develop into more damage and pain. So, when part of the team I was on were going off to relax over the weekend, by going to the movies, I took myself off to have a deep tissue massage. I was lying down on the cushioned table, getting pummelled, prodded, and poked while the soft music played over the speakers in the roof. I could feel the…