• 24 November 2021

    Scott, one of my son in law’s, took his four year old daughter Willow, on a ‘Daddy date.’ A time where one to one they can share with each other and have fun together without any of the other family members. A specific special time just for them. Scott has four daughters and this time it was the youngest’s turn. Generally, they go to the movies and have something to eat together, while sharing with each other and enjoying each other’s company. It is one of the most amazing experiences to literally watch the excitement in the little girls faces. Starting even the day before this event occurs their demeanour…

  • 17 November 2021

    Are you chasing happiness or holiness? I will share with you this sequence of events. Willow, my 4-year-old granddaughter, was looking through the junk mail and brochures from different stores and she was circling lots of things. She then states to her Mum, “I need to write out a list for Santa for if he gets me the wrong things on Christmas Day, I’ll be very unhappy.” Oh, I chuckled! One – how important it is to write out your dreams. Two – as you mature you are actually happy with lots of things. With maturity you trust more that God will give you the desires of your heart and…

  • 10 November 2021

    We all are such complex people. Each have our own personalities, quirks, idiosyncrasies, upbringing, and on top of that different circumstances that shape us. Visiting family lately, listening to different ones as we share life together, as we catch up on each other’s lives, it had made me think again of how frail we are. So many of us have problems, issues that we have to deal with in life. Some issues every day, some for months on end, while others that raise their head every now and again. All we want in life is peace, joy, goodness, for things to go well. We all want love to reign. Harmony…

  • 3 November 2021

    Willow my four-year-old granddaughter has started swimming lessons. Her parents want her to learn some water safety, so she has the ability to swim or paddle to the side of a pool if she fell in etc. The only problem (like a lot of little ones) is that she does not like to put her face in the water! A bit difficult not to do while learning to swim. The first lesson the teacher pulls her in (with goggles on) under the water. She did not like it! All during the week she told her Mum she is not going back to swimming. To encourage her to continue I said…

  • 27 October 2021

    The evening started out fine. Four little ones, ages ranging from 7 down to 18 months. I was babysitting for my son and his wife who were celebrating a wedding anniversary by having a night away from the kids. Yes, I was staying overnight (with Bruce) looking after their tribe. Bruce was still at work, so I fed them all, played with them for a while, started to read them stories to relax them before bed and got them in their pj’s.  Three of them slept in one room in this three-way bunk bed. So, we said prayers together then tucked them all in and left the room with the youngest, Abigail, on…