20 October 2021
Great times with family. Great time with friends. Reflecting upon the wonderful time we had on the weekend, it saddens me greatly when I hear of tragedies in our world. Death, destruction, abuse, isolation, persons missing, a whole people forgotten. Sitting in hopeless cycles. Who can help? Then I read past stories of where God came to people and rescued them. In the book of Judith (found in Catholic bibles), this widow who trusted in her God was used by God to help rescue His people. She had to trust, pray and have courage and a plan, relying on God completely. God was ever faithful and came and saved her and…
13 October 2021
Have you ever played the game called ‘Celebrity Heads’? Everyone playing has a different name or object written upon a piece of cardboard which is then stuck to their forehead. You have to guess the name of the celebrity, or the name of the object that is stuck to your own forehead. You can’t see the name and you have to ask one question to the other people in the group playing the game with you, that gives you a clue to unravelling the name or item. The first person to guess their name or item wins. I played it for the first time on the weekend with my grandchildren.…
6 October 2021
Willow came back from day-care very excited. She is my 4 four-year-old granddaughter. She and Jessie, her best friend, were asked to build a house. They put in cushions for the walls to keep safe, they said. Then a blanket for a roof to keep off the rain. Then Willow told her mum, “We put in a makeup table so we could put our lipstick on and perfume.” I laughed when I heard this. The essentials that Willow thought were needed. It made me think of what truly is essential? Especially since recently Bruce, my husband, and I moved house and we were packing or throwing away what we thought we needed. What is…
29 September 2021
The rumbles I had in the stomach were not good. The tiredness and light-headedness that came in waves showed no signs of abating, which again were not good. I could not be sick now! I had too much to do! We were moving house. There was the final packing, the organising and then the cleaning. But sometimes in life you cannot pick and choose. I just had to go with what was presented to me. Thank goodness for kind workers who work for my husband and the wonderful children I have! I did as much as I could in between sitting on the couch or running to relieve my stomach.…
22 September 2021
The little one burst into tears as I stood and said goodbye. Lately this is the occurrence whenever anyone leaves, even if just an acquaintance leaves the room. So, a lot of reassuring and stating that the person will be back…… And then stating when you do return… “see I told you I was coming back.” A building up of soothing words, a developing trust in our word, being diligent in returning when you say you will and being consistent all helps for the child to learn and trust. This is a stage of development that many children go through. A separation anxiety due to emotional attachment to the particular…