• 13 January 2021

    Do you sometimes feel you are just going through the same motions? Nothing has changed. Just a different day, a different date, a different year but same same? It feels like the last few months of last year. Why? I feel that I have not got into the rut yet. But I am very close.  The rut? A Ditch. A long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles or a habit, a pattern of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive that is hard to change. Ok, going upon these descriptions I am in a rut. And it’s only the beginning of the year!!!! So,…

  • 6 January 2021

    I had plans. Actually I had plans upon my plans. I had a few days off, so I had made a list of things I wanted to do. Things I wanted to achieve or start even and things that would relax me as we all headed into a New Year. They did not eventuate. The day after Christmas Day I felt exhausted! I thought surely I had not overdone it that much in preparation for the day and on the day. Yes, when it is at your house you don’t sit down much the whole day. I had been up at 6am to prepare the turkey and stuff it with…

  • 30 December 2020

    Don’t you love an upgrade! I’m sure everyone who ever gets one feels spoilt. When airlines flew more before covid 19, you sometimes got an upgrade of your seats. When you buy an outfit and find that today it’s 30% off – bargain! It’s happened to me a few times. I was so proud of my oldest grandson from the practice to the real thing he was upgraded from shepherd in the nativity play to Joseph. How special must my grandson have felt to get “an upgrade.” He was nervous but thrilled. He has only just turned 6 but displayed to everyone a maturity above his years. He walked by…

  • 23 December 2020

    Plans are in place. The key roles of the nativity scene have been chosen but who is going to be the shepherds? The wise kings? The visitors of the babe born? I overheard a parent trying to entice a little one to dress up as one of the shepherds. I had to chuckle for all they wanted to know was who else was going to be with them. And were there Live sheep? Even at a young age we want to feel included and not miss out. Over 2000 years ago, some shepherds just looking after their sheep were invited to play a role that forever in time would make…

  • 16 December 2020

    Oh it’s started to get exciting! The little ones in our family, namely the two three-year-olds “get it” this year. The Christmas Lights, the decorations, setting up the Christmas tree, putting on the star, displaying the nativity scene, the photo with Santa and the discussions with their older brothers and sisters all point towards an impending arrival on Christmas Day. The count is on! And so too should our excitement be escalated. The third candle, the PINK or ROSE one, has been lit for the third week of Advent. There is ONLY one more week to go. The candle of JOY- which is what the Pink Candle represents – Gaudete…