9 December 2020
There we were three of my sisters, my Mum and Dad chatting over afternoon tea. I had not seen them for a year due to covid restrictions and state border closures. Yesterday I had caught up with my twin sister and my brother too! Oh, it felt good! We were sharing about our lives, our families, the highs and the lows. Honesty was on the table and everyone was listening to the struggles and the joys of life. My youngest sister was sharing about a situation from a few weeks back where she came out with, “I was so frustrated that I walked away from the situation and sent some…
2 December 2020
Bedtime in a household with little children can be fun and games. Sometimes they go with no quarrelling or push-back but more often than not, this is not the case. The usual “I’m not tired!” “I can’t sleep!” “I’m thirsty.” “I need to go to the bathroom.” “Can’t I stay up 5 more minutes?” Or just plain whingeing and crying and “carrying on” occurs. The latest one of my grandchildren who makes up complaint after complaint is 3 year old Willow. My daughter relayed this story to me. After being in bed for a few minutes out she comes. The first reason started with …….wait for it…… “Don’t get angry…
25 November 2020
I have been collecting my old clothes to give away to St Vincent DePaul or Good Sammys. That way they can be useful and be reused by people. Actually, to be more truthful, they are clothes that don’t fit me anymore. Sad face. Or ones that “I don’t know why I bought it?” question hangs over them. So, while I’m doing this, I’m also going through the linen closet. I don’t need 6 pairs of single sheets anymore. The 5 children and niece who lived with us are no longer living here, so out they go. Sometimes I have so much STUFF that 4 to 5 years ago when I…
18 November 2020
As we approached our destination we came to the top of the hill where the town was situated. I glanced to my left and was astounded. There on the skyline was the biggest hardware store I had ever seen! It stood like a citadel rising to the skyline for all to see. As far as the eye could see on the horizon, from east to west, it was there. I immediately turned to Bruce in the driver’s seat and stated, “Oh wow, that’s what we, the Church, should be like. Shining our light for all the people in our town to see. That they know where to go for help…
11 November 2020
We had an all out family party at my house on Saturday afternoon. It was a family member’s birthday and 21 of us came and celebrated together. It was fantastic! I love when the family come together and all 10 grandchildren ranging from 13 years old down to 6 months come and learn to develop relationships with their cousins. All the little ones play, build, and interact with imaginary scenes that they have made up. For example playing teachers, or doctors – it’s a sight to behold when the older ones drive the ambulance and go over and help the sick…. When the doctor arrives with their doctor’s kit and…