• 4 November 2020

    Six years ago I injured my back. I was lifting a three-seater couch with my husband Bruce across a coffee table. We were moving into a new house and it was the last piece of furniture that we moved. As we lifted it up and over I was favouring my bad shoulder, which can dislocate easily, and I heard and felt a pop. I was off work for 4 months with torn shoulder muscles and the only way to find any relief was to lie down. Even just standing put too much pressure on the area. I went to many doctors, physios, I had acupuncture but to no avail. All…

  • 28 October 2020

    My day did not start out how I had planned. I had planned to do housework, some chores at the shops, and then working on some study that I desperately needed to do. I received a call from one of my daughter’s, Melissa, to see if I could wait at her house between 9 and 12 for a man to come and install some blinds. The blind company had cancelled twice before, and my daughter had to work this day. I said no problem, I could read and study while I was waiting. Then my daughter-in-law, Brigette, rang. She asked if I could look after the younger three of her…

  • 21 October 2020

    Oh for a good cup of coffee! Or tea! That was my thoughts as I sipped my morning cup. I never was one for having this knowledge or this ‘tasting’ of my palette. This enjoyment has only occurred the last few years. Over the years where I used to work the coffee or tea was made by a staff member. Whatever came was how you got it – weak, strong, boiling hot, lukewarm, too sweet……. Now I wasn’t being authoritarian but all the juniors were on roster to make the senior staff a morning or afternoon cup because we did not stop for a break but worked all the way…

  • 14 October 2020

    I know I share a lot about my grandchildren, but I guess they are a huge part of my life now (I have 10 of them) and God speaks to me through them. God can speak His heart, His mind, His direction through people and/or circumstances in our lives, if we listen well. It is a learning tool of discernment. Willow, my three-year-old granddaughter, came home with her Mum the other day and sighed very heavily. Melissa, her Mother, asked her what was wrong. “I’m tired,” she said. “I had a hard day at daycare!” Just like her mother saying, “I’m tired. I had a hard day at the office.”…

  • 7 October 2020

    It’s school holidays and some of the grandchildren I don’t get to see on a regular basis came and visited. Three of the older girls, aged 10, 9 and 6 were spending the whole day with me. We were going to catch up with some of the younger cousins at a park just after lunch, after I had a few photos taken for some marketing we were doing for work. Last time we got some photos done I had done my own hair and makeup and it did not quite turn out as well as we had planned. I need to wear glasses most of the time now to read,…