30 September 2020
Most children who are of school age now either own an iPad or have access to an iPad for study and activities for school. You may think it is only in first world countries but even some people in third world countries have a phone (a mini computer) even if Wi-Fi access is limited. And so, from a young age little ones know how to use technology. They are a whizz at knowing how to play games, watch programs, make videos, take photos, even make phone calls. My grandchildren have taught me heaps! Willow was unwell and was lying on the couch with an iPad. I came over to talk…
23 September 2020
Some of my family are getting up early in the morning or going out later at night for walks for exercise. My three-year-old granddaughter, Willow, on one of the evenings was told by her Mum that they would be buying dinner because time had gotten away, and it was getting late. Willow asked if they could buy chips from the farm. Her Mum, Melissa, did not understand what she was saying. A farm selling potatoes? But her Dad, Scott, whispered into Melissa’s ear, “Like Old MacDonald’s.” The penny dropped. So, Melissa asked Willow, “Do you want chips from McDonald’s?” Yeah was the answer. Did you not get that? Old Macdonald…
16 September 2020
Have you ever tried Zumba? Or it could be called Tyga or Konga or a myriad of other names. It is a fitness class where you do exercises to music, but the exercises have a Latino, Columbian, Brazilian flavour to them. I have been going for a while now, not really getting any better in my movements but enjoying it anyway. I just don’t have that wriggle in my hips, or the agility in my movements, let alone I cannot raise one arm due to an injury in my shoulder years ago. But the laughs that I have, the enjoyment and hopefully the fitness I am achieving spur me on.…
9 September 2020
Oh every muscle in my body is aching. I don’t know what’s more comfortable, standing or sitting. Possibly lying down. It reminds me watching cartoons where the cartoon character hits their hand and the hand goes bigger then smaller, bigger then smaller, indicating a pulsation that is causing pain. That’s what was happening to me in my hands, my back, my knees……. Yes, I laugh too, like in a cartoon. I thought I was able to dig up easily 20-year-old rose plants and transplant them. After half an hour digging, chopping, shovelling, pushing, using a pick, doing anything to disengage the old roots I had successfully dug up ONE tree.…
2 September 2020
Have you ever run late? Thought you had set the alarm for 7am and after waking late and checking on why the alarm did not ‘work’ found you had set it for 7pm! Or is that just me? It frustrates me so much for I am quite an organized person. Not to the extreme, for I have also been gifted with a flexibility to adjust when things, people, events don’t necessarily go to plan. This particular day though I was frustrated with myself all morning. I had to readjust so many activities I was going to complete. I had to reprioritise my list of jobs. Oh, the frustration! It was…