17 June 2020
“Frederick Daniel spelled, F-R-E-D-E-R-I-C-K “says my eldest grandson as he greets me at the front door. “Where’s Mum and Dad?” I asked. “In the car,” he called back to me as he had already run inside the house. Full of beans, a friendly, helpful five year old boy is our Freddie. He is a delight. Within half an hour he had tried to do wheelies with a little indoor bike used by the two year old granddaughters. Close to taking out a glass table, and not listening to his Mum, the bike was taken off him and he was put into ‘timeout.’ A few minutes later he was trying to…
10 June 2020
Our World appears to be in Crisis. With the deaths of black men and women to unjust causes that have been happening recently, but also over hundreds of years all around the world, and so many protest marches that have been occurring. Many millions of lives are decimated by the Covid-19 virus with deaths, bankruptcies, and rife unemployment. It is hard to think of anything else besides what is unfolding in our Communities, and what is being seen on every tv station. As a result, it can be tempting to lose our peace. In Mark 4: 37 – 40 (AMP), it says, “And a fierce windstorm began to blow and…
3 June 2020
“Trying to be Tigger, but feeling like Eeyore” – I heard this title a few days ago and thought that felt just like me! Feeling a bit blah lately. My usual routine of work, housework, church, family, friends, and relaxation time have for the last few months been thrown away. A new “normal” as the government have put it has to now occur due to the virus. The thing is the new “normal” keeps changing every few weeks. Firstly, when coming out of isolation, going to the shops could occur for essentials only. It started with only 2 people being able to meet with you, keeping the social distance of…
27 May 2020
One Saturday morning, Bruce and I were driving to a hardware store to get some hooks to hang paintings and he rang via Apple Carplay one of his co-workers, Sandra. He wanted to talk about some things for Monday morning’s staff meeting. He asked what she was doing? She replied she was babysitting her granddaughter, Amelia, who is 18 months old. Amelia was at that moment hitting some blocks with a wooden hammer. As the conversation continued you could hear some click, clopping noises in the background. Now Sandra knew I was in the car with Bruce and could hear the entire conversation. She said something that made me chuckle…
20 May 2020
Put on those pink suede shoes, just make sure they fit you. During lockdown each of us in our own way had to learn to cope with everyday life. It was not normal anymore. The four grandchildren (and their parents) that I lived with for 8 weeks did not know what normal was at that time. It started in early February. We were all moving to new houses. Selling up and moving to an unknown address. The children were still in school right up till the last week of the move. God is so good! In that week of the move, we all found out we had a family house…