• 8 April 2020

    “By His Stripes we are healed.” That line struck me while I was singing it in a song, especially in this season of Holy Week. From Isaiah 53:5, “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.” Every lashing from the whip that Christ received onto His body … were they stripes? He took every hurt, hatred, slur, disease, virus, isolation, pain, wrong, and sin upon Himself. All of these wrongs from all humanity that had been, was and into the future, were like lashes from a whip. He took…

  • 1 April 2020

    The voice on the phone line was a bit frazzled. “Could you come and pick us up because the car has broken down.” After asking my daughter where she was, I grabbed my car keys, plugged the address into google maps and drove off. Arriving at the address along a very busy highway the waiting started. Waiting on the phone to find a mechanic. Waiting for a tow truck. Waiting and amusing a 2-year-old while waiting. Waiting amongst the noisy, busy traffic of trucks, cars and motorbikes. Waiting in the car till it got too hot because the car air conditioner could not be turned on due to the car…

  • 25 March 2020

    It’s scary. Read the news, listen to the radio. The reality of life today stops you in your tracks. Literally. “Oh God, what is happening?” my thoughts say and immediately my spirit answers, “God will work good out of this.” Just like scripture says (the word of God that is truth), all things (even corona things) work for good according to God’s perfect plan. It still “seems like a sci-fi movie” one of my daughters shared. But pinch yourself it is real. Jesus was tired and the apostles in trying to care for him told the mothers – take your children away. They scolded the parents for bothering Him. Jesus…

  • 18 March 2020

    I was watching a medical show on television. You know the usual kind where every week different scenarios are presented. Medically, it could be an emergency and someone needs an operation straight away. Then there is another scene where a long-term patient has further bad news from the last scans.  Then the camera pans to a room where a young patient is with her parents. A doctor walks in and tells them news they have been longing to hear. “The cancer is in remission.” Oh, what joy on everyone’s face. What delight is in the hugs and smiles. All of their lives have just been given back to them. I…

  • 11 March 2020

    Part way through the Lenten Season I stopped to take stock of where I am. I reflected upon all that God has done for me, in me and through me. I realised I could be more grateful and acknowledge God more in my life, especially after the week that I have had. I have been cleaning, painting, clearing out rubbish because we are moving to a new house. Oh, at night as I climb into bed some muscles ache that I did not know I had. I find it hard to sleep because I keep going over the long list of jobs that still need to be done and wonder…