• 20 November 2019

    God is so amazing, so other, so mind-boggling. On my best day, God is bigger than my best thoughts. On my better day the God I think about, I know about, is only part of the  shadow of who He truly is. I do not even scratch the surface as the saying goes. His ways are way above mine, his thoughts way higher, his abilities way more miraculous than I can ever imagine. His love is way deeper than I would go, than I would love, that I would even comprehend. None can compare to Him. Job, Paul the apostle, Isaiah the prophet all thought the same. In Romans 11:34, “For…

  • 13 November 2019

    We come from such different backgrounds, different upbringing, different personalities, different nationalities, but we have One major bond. That of the Lord Jesus Christ. We all thirst. Thirst for Him. For more knowledge. For more of Him. For more experience of Him. For more worship of Him. For more clarity from Him. For more desire for Him. Our body, mind and spirit are in tune for more of Him. The desire won’t go away. We can try and ignore it. We can try and deaden the persistent sound. We can be laughed at. Ridiculed even by our own family. Discouraged by those we love to get ‘real’. To not be…

  • 6 November 2019

    GODS LOVE – Walk into it and stay in it. It will change everything in your life about your life. And for the better. This is what entered my thoughts as I meditated and journaled and read. Everything that God is doing in our lives is intentionally relational. It’s all about Him and us. To walk with Him and with others, to Love Him and others. God’s love draws us deeper and His commitment to us never waivers. In every situation in life, God desires to give us himself – He can’t help it because He loves us. It started at the beginning of our existence and will go on…

  • 30 October 2019

    Someone I know was describing a friend like this, “this woman was filled with God’s power, overwhelmed with His joy and consumed with His peace.” What a compliment! Then it goes on to say, “She heard God’s voice on a regular basis and was seeing evidence of His presence in the regular rhythms of her life.” Oh, to be described like this – what Faith! What a relationship with her God! She would pray and then believe. Expect and then see. Ask and then receive. “HOW WHAT SHE’D LEARNED ON THE PEW HAD BECOME SUCH A STARTLING REALITY ON THE PAVEMENT OF HER LIFE.” Priscilla Shirer (One in a million)…

  • 23 October 2019

    The reality of life in prayer. Things we pray for often don’t get answered in the way we desire. Sometimes it appears to be a BIG no! Why is that we may ask? What was wrong with my request? Maybe nothing. But maybe God with His big picture could see a better answer, a better result. Remember we can only see our piece in time of that picture. A maturing Christian will trust in God, “that ALL things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His plan.” (Romans 8:28) To be honest, I am still maturing to be that Christian. This is Faith building.…