Ep232 Pt1 – Making Prayer a Priority
Making prayer a priority in our lives helps us to become aware of God present with us throughout our day. Emma reminds us that transformation in our lives starts with our prayer because that ia where we build our relationship with Him.
Ep231 Pt2 (Our Chat) – The Bread of Life Who Sustains Us
We need to remember that God is our one true hope. Emma and Rosemary chat about how we can get to know God as our bread of life who sustains us.
Ep231 Pt1 – The Bread of Life Who Sustains Us
In this Heartbeat Rosemary reminds us that Christ is the bread of life where we truly experience fullness of life. Christ guides us, sustains us and truly satisfies.
Ep230 Pt2 (Our Chat) – New Beginnings: The Spiritual
When it comes to working on our plans for the year there is a connection between the practical and the spiritual. Emma and Rosemary chat about this connection and how we can commit our plans to God.
Ep230 Pt1 – New Beginnings: The Spiritual
In order to achieve our goals we need to do the practical but we should also do the spiritual. In starting our year strong we want to focus on committing our goals and plans to God. In this Heartbeat Emma focuses on how we can trust our plans to God.