Ep225 Pt2 (Our Chat) – Advent: A Time of Hope
As we begin Advent Emma and Rosemary chat about our intentionality in reflecting on Christ our saviour coming into the world. How will you choose to reflect this Christmas?
Ep225 Pt1 – Advent: A Time of Hope
Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas. This first week we focus on Christ as the hope of the world. Join Rosemary as shares about this hope that does not disappoint.
Ep224 Pt2 – God Waits For Us
Waiting can be so long. Rosemary and Emma chat about our attitude and perspective when we are waiting for God to answer us. Maybe God has answered but it’s not the answer we want?
Ep224 Pt1 – God Waits For Us
Do you ever feel like you’re waiting for an answer from God? In this Heartbeat Rosemary shares with us a different perspective about how God waits for us so that we are ready to receive His grace.
Ep223 Pt2 (Our Chat) – How To Love Like God
How can we love like God? Rosemary and Emma chat about how we can only fully love when we know how much we are loved ourselves. God’s love for us transforms us and fills us so much that we want to love others. We can’t do it any other way.