The faithfulness of God is shown in the resurrection of Jesus from death to life. We can so easily forget God’s faithfulness when we are experiencing hard times but Rosemary reminds us in this Heartbeat how the empty tomb brings us hope.
Thank you Rosemary for reminding me again of our Lord Jesus Christ who rose from the dead and left the tomb
empty. Giving us true HOPE in Him!!! That I am free of the repercussion of original sin. That I am no longer separated
from our God but reconciled to Him! That I have eternal life with our God in Heaven, yes Rosemary, one glorious day!
That my relationship with our God will continue to ever deepen in love and in knowing Him forever! And is transforming me now!!!
May God bless you Rosemary for this inspiring and encouraging message!
In Christ’s Love
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Valerie simms
Thank you Rosemary for reminding me again of our Lord Jesus Christ who rose from the dead and left the tomb
empty. Giving us true HOPE in Him!!! That I am free of the repercussion of original sin. That I am no longer separated
from our God but reconciled to Him! That I have eternal life with our God in Heaven, yes Rosemary, one glorious day!
That my relationship with our God will continue to ever deepen in love and in knowing Him forever! And is transforming me now!!!
May God bless you Rosemary for this inspiring and encouraging message!
In Christ’s Love