• Leaning on God

    A cool breeze on a hot day is balm to the senses. Especially when it has been 42 degrees Celsius or 107.6 Fahrenheit. But if there is a fire and a breeze comes up, this is not always good as seen in L.A. recently and happening now in Victoria, Australia.  In other parts of the world right now there is heavy snow falls and ice on the roads. Climate can change in an instant; a tornado is predicted and is more devastating than thought or can be a mere “Willy Willy” where the dust flies around.  Does it appear to be getting worse or has our technology advanced so much we…

  • Do You Look at Someone’s Heart?

    Due to lack of sleep from stress, injury and pain on the body, my hair and skin are looking worse for wear. My bones feel like they creak when I move and sad to say there is no bounce in my step. Some of my granddaughters often cheekily and full of love, with a twinkle in their eye, talk to me or ask me questions and refer to me as their “old Grammie.” We have this fun relationship where they say, “Let me help you seeing that you are so old.” This is not said in a derogatory way but full of love and respect. We laugh all the time…

  • Let God Walk With You

    Oh! So many forms to fill out, questions to answer and then to be faxed off to different departments…  Wanting past medical history, results and why I am applying for a concession. It took me more than an hour to collate all the information.  I was a little confused about some of the questions and so stopped and asked my husband for some help. Now I’m fairly intelligent but at the end of this exercise I felt exhausted. Mentally and emotionally. I’m so glad in God’s kingdom that there is no confusion, and His ways always brings you peace.  As described in the 1st book of Corinthians: For God is a God…

  • Be Open to the New

    Happy New Year to everyone! For some it may not feel any different from the day before, from last year, but we should be aware spiritually that God is doing a new thing. I pray God’s blessings upon each and every one of you, upon your neighbours and friends, and upon the World. We all need the Lord. Our God is forever creating. Forever drawing us to Himself who is Pure, Good, and Holy. If we allow Him to influence us, change us, then we are becoming more purer, better, more holy. God is forever calling us to His love, to love others. He calls us to live knowing this…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Let the peace that only Christ can bring, come to your house this day. May God’s blessings be upon you and your family, that we look to Him, the hope of the world. Emma, Brigette and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are so looking forward to continuing our ministry by encouraging you to be the woman God has made you to be. Much love, Rosemary