• 8 July 2020

    Social media is such a big thing now days. It can be so influential upon our minds. It can be used for good and the not so good.  If you’re not careful, especially those still forming their own opinions and thoughts (the young enquiring minds), you can get sucked into thinking things that are mean, rude, nasty, and full of gossip. This was seen in my niece who had just become a teenager. She started questioning her Mum and Dad about different topics, which is quite normal, but there was a slant to her questions. It appeared to be one-sided in the discussion and full of meanness and even hatred. …

  • 1 July 2020

    I recently celebrated my Birthday and the family bought me helium balloons. One of my granddaughter’s has a fascination for them. She will play with them, delight in them for ages, so after a few days I gave one big one to my daughter to give to her. The wonder and delight on her face gave me a million ‘thank you’s‘ and delighted me! This wonder totally transparent on her face expressed the feeling of joy, elation, amazement, admiration that she felt for this beautiful creation. (A manmade balloon.) It jolted my memory of a line in Psalm 40. It’s verse 5: “Many, O Lord my God are the wonders…

  • 24 June 2020

    I’ve been reading a book titled Recapture the Wonder. I was drawn to the title. The Holy Spirit within me was urging me to go chase after that wonder.  The world especially right now needs to know the Wonder, the Majesty of God.  I opened the first page and read the author’s introduction. I immediately knew I had chosen to read the right book at this time. The author Ravi Zacharias, a protestant theologian who just recently died, wrote that he “could have easily made the title Recaptured by Wonder. In a sense, it is not as much about something we may possess as it is about what possesses us.”…

  • 17 June 2020

    “Frederick Daniel spelled, F-R-E-D-E-R-I-C-K “says my eldest grandson as he greets me at the front door. “Where’s Mum and Dad?” I asked. “In the car,” he called back to me as he had already run inside the house. Full of beans, a friendly, helpful five year old boy is our Freddie. He is a delight. Within half an hour he had tried to do wheelies with a little indoor bike used by the two year old granddaughters. Close to taking out a glass table, and not listening to his Mum, the bike was taken off him and he was put into ‘timeout.’ A few minutes later he was trying to…

  • 10 June 2020

    Our World appears to be in Crisis. With the deaths of black men and women to unjust causes that have been happening recently, but also over hundreds of years all around the world, and so many protest marches that have been occurring. Many millions of lives are decimated by the Covid-19 virus with deaths, bankruptcies, and rife unemployment. It is hard to think of anything else besides what is unfolding in our Communities, and what is being seen on every tv station. As a result, it can be tempting to lose our peace. In Mark 4: 37 – 40 (AMP), it says, “And a fierce windstorm began to blow and…

  • 3 June 2020

    “Trying to be Tigger, but feeling like Eeyore” – I heard this title a few days ago and thought that felt just like me! Feeling a bit blah lately. My usual routine of work, housework, church, family, friends, and relaxation time have for the last few months been thrown away. A new “normal” as the government have put it has to now occur due to the virus. The thing is the new “normal” keeps changing every few weeks. Firstly, when coming out of isolation, going to the shops could occur for essentials only. It started with only 2 people being able to meet with you, keeping the social distance of…

  • 27 May 2020

    One Saturday morning, Bruce and I were driving to a hardware store to get some hooks to hang paintings and he rang via Apple Carplay one of his co-workers, Sandra. He wanted to talk about some things for Monday morning’s staff meeting. He asked what she was doing? She replied she was babysitting her granddaughter, Amelia, who is 18 months old. Amelia was at that moment hitting some blocks with a wooden hammer. As the conversation continued you could hear some click, clopping noises in the background. Now Sandra knew I was in the car with Bruce and could hear the entire conversation. She said something that made me chuckle…

  • 20 May 2020

    Put on those pink suede shoes, just make sure they fit you. During lockdown each of us in our own way had to learn to cope with everyday life. It was not normal anymore. The four grandchildren (and their parents) that I lived with for 8 weeks did not know what normal was at that time. It started in early February. We were all moving to new houses. Selling up and moving to an unknown address. The children were still in school right up till the last week of the move. God is so good! In that week of the move, we all found out we had a family house…

  • 13 May 2020

    Did we need to rush? Because of isolation rules and reflecting on the last few months, we have been restricted in doing just the essentials. It’s made me wonder if I was allowing life to just rush by? I have had the absolute pleasure of living with four grandchildren, all girls ages 10, 9, 5, and 2 with their different personalities, likes and dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. I had five children of my own but Bruce reminded me how we forget how busy life is, how noisy life is, how joyous life is with 1, 2, 3, 4 + children in tow. The shenanigans that go on in family life.…

  • 6 May 2020

    The phrase ‘Do not be afraid’ is written in the bible 365 times. That’s one daily reminder for each day of the year. God wants to remind us to live every day fearlessly. Fearless does not mean you don’t have the feeling of fear but it means you walk on, forge ahead even while afraid. The actual dictionary meaning of fearlessness is showing a lack of fear. So, you may not show it, but you still have that emotion. You just contain it or push it aside. I remember when I was doing practicals in Organic Chemistry at University. Before starting the experiments, you had to have a quick quiz…

  • 29 April 2020

    I’ve been struggling lately due to the inability to visit anyone, especially family. I have generally not been able to do this due to living in another state for the last 6 years, away from most of them, but now we are all back together, but still no visits. Stupid virus! Yes, being isolated and this social distancing is difficult for everyone, but my son and his wife, Brigette just had a little baby girl named Abigail Jordan, and no one other than Joel (her designated visitor – as they called him) could visit. I totally understand. The fewer visitors at the hospital, the less risk of passing on the…

  • 22 April 2020

    Is anyone else like me and sometimes does not want to listen to ‘it will be alright?’ That is often what people say just to cheer you up or are trying to anyway. But you feel it is giving you a false hope. A false hope because they normally have no way to get you out of the situation you are in, to change any of your circumstances or to change anyone or anything. Could you be the one who is trying to encourage another and gets their ear ‘bitten off’ in the process? There is often more than one thing involved in this feeling of hopelessness. Maybe a problem…

  • 15 April 2020

    The other day I was teaching my grandchildren how to play a card game called patience or solitaire. We have been asked to distance ourselves from people because of the covid19 virus so have to come up with games and activities for the kids to do. Our family unit cannot go to a park or out anywhere, so we are becoming very inventive for stuff at home. Home picnics, home camping, cooking, shuttlecock or badminton, soccer against the brick wall and then inside games or things to do as well. And so, these card games have begun. Solitaire is such an appropriate name when we have to put ourselves into…

  • 8 April 2020

    “By His Stripes we are healed.” That line struck me while I was singing it in a song, especially in this season of Holy Week. From Isaiah 53:5, “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.” Every lashing from the whip that Christ received onto His body … were they stripes? He took every hurt, hatred, slur, disease, virus, isolation, pain, wrong, and sin upon Himself. All of these wrongs from all humanity that had been, was and into the future, were like lashes from a whip. He took…

  • 1 April 2020

    The voice on the phone line was a bit frazzled. “Could you come and pick us up because the car has broken down.” After asking my daughter where she was, I grabbed my car keys, plugged the address into google maps and drove off. Arriving at the address along a very busy highway the waiting started. Waiting on the phone to find a mechanic. Waiting for a tow truck. Waiting and amusing a 2-year-old while waiting. Waiting amongst the noisy, busy traffic of trucks, cars and motorbikes. Waiting in the car till it got too hot because the car air conditioner could not be turned on due to the car…

  • 25 March 2020

    It’s scary. Read the news, listen to the radio. The reality of life today stops you in your tracks. Literally. “Oh God, what is happening?” my thoughts say and immediately my spirit answers, “God will work good out of this.” Just like scripture says (the word of God that is truth), all things (even corona things) work for good according to God’s perfect plan. It still “seems like a sci-fi movie” one of my daughters shared. But pinch yourself it is real. Jesus was tired and the apostles in trying to care for him told the mothers – take your children away. They scolded the parents for bothering Him. Jesus…

  • 18 March 2020

    I was watching a medical show on television. You know the usual kind where every week different scenarios are presented. Medically, it could be an emergency and someone needs an operation straight away. Then there is another scene where a long-term patient has further bad news from the last scans.  Then the camera pans to a room where a young patient is with her parents. A doctor walks in and tells them news they have been longing to hear. “The cancer is in remission.” Oh, what joy on everyone’s face. What delight is in the hugs and smiles. All of their lives have just been given back to them. I…

  • 11 March 2020

    Part way through the Lenten Season I stopped to take stock of where I am. I reflected upon all that God has done for me, in me and through me. I realised I could be more grateful and acknowledge God more in my life, especially after the week that I have had. I have been cleaning, painting, clearing out rubbish because we are moving to a new house. Oh, at night as I climb into bed some muscles ache that I did not know I had. I find it hard to sleep because I keep going over the long list of jobs that still need to be done and wonder…

  • 4 March 2020

    Paint stroke up, paint stoke down, paint stroke up paint stroke down. Painting is quite soothing and very rewarding when complete. Freshly painted walls and window frames.  As long as you don’t have to do too much preparation, too much puttying of holes, it’s ok. The preparation of the wooden window frames I was going to paint was tedious. I had to scrape off the old flaking paint, rub or sand back some really bad areas and fill in cracks and splintered wood. This took quite a few days to do for 4 window frames, 3 door frames, a whole passageway, 2 ceilings and some edges to paint. This was…

  • 26 February 2020

    I had a lot of gardening to do. Weeds needed pulling, grasses had grown into the wrong areas and needed cutting back, and spent blooms needed pruning. I quite enjoy it if I have time and can make the garden look good with flowers and greenery. It makes the appearance of the front or back yards pleasant to look at. But I like working with my hands without gloves. Feeling the soil. Of course, that is bad for your hands, nails, and skin. The nails break and get dirt underneath them, the skin on the hands becomes rough and needs scrubbing to get the soil out of them. So, I…

  • 19 February 2020

    Do you have days when everything seems to be going wrong? I know you do. That is life sometimes, but when you have a cold, a barking cough and have no energy – on those days – the world seems to be very overwhelming! The actual minor irritations that happen to us from time to time teach us about our character. Show us – are we patient, are we kind, are we trusting in God in everything. Are we letting go and letting God? Have I learnt to control my anger in situations that I don’t need to be angry? Do I laugh (and not cry) at circumstances that can…

  • 12 February 2020

    David, the King of Israel, the ruler in that part of the world, thought about God, His creator. His thoughts were often written down in his journal – called the psalms in the Bible. He wrote songs and poems and essays about God. Some of these thoughts are described in Psalm 139. Have you ever thought about God? Or even wondered if there is a God? David’s thoughts went like this… “O Lord, you have searched me and known me…” God, the creator of all, knows me -he’s searched me thoroughly and knows me. I am known to Him. I am recognized, familiar, within His scope of knowledge. Not just…

  • 5 February 2020

    I ordered two lattes and was asked by the lady behind the counter, “what’s the name for the order?” I went to pay my electricity bill on the internet and after the account number, I was asked to fill in the following… name? What’s in a name? So, I can be recognized that it’s actually me. That I have given the authorization to make, do, buy, give etc. It made me reflect in prayer about the name of Jesus, given to Joseph by the Holy Spirit. Matt 1:21 “She will bear a son, and you are to name him, Jesus, for He will save His people from their sin.” Jesus,…

  • 29 January 2020

    In different seasons of my life, I find myself praying with my thoughts. Let me explain. I’m thinking about circumstances in my life, people in my life, issues I am facing, and I start adding prayers to my thoughts. It’s not necessarily my designated prayer time, but it just happens, especially while I’m doing housework.  Faith with prayer or praying with faith in the trenches of life is how I would describe it. Faith with prayer can bypass the earthly dimension we live in. Prayer enters God’s heavenly realm. All prayers are heard in heaven from the saints (that’s us) that send them, for we are all capable of being…

  • 22 January 2020

    It started with an itchy, irritated eyelash, and within a few days had advanced to a swollen eyelid that affected my vision and was sore to touch. It turned out to be an infected tear duct, and so I started on antibiotic eye cream and warm compresses.  During the next few days, I reflected upon how a little irritation can literally ‘blow up’ in your face. It was annoying me continually. Even without thinking, my hand would go to the edges of the eye and wipe the water that slowly dripped from it. I was conscious at times of this irritation and other times, I was unconscious. Is this not…

  • 15 January 2020

    I’m physically tired to the point that my shoulders and neck muscles are contracting and giving me a migraine. My fault actually. Bruce and I drove in convoy to Brisbane for Christmas, so I could have Christmas – for the first time in 35 years – with my parents, my children, my brother and sisters and all their immediate families (well most of them anyway – 49 in total, another 19 of them could not make it.) We took two cars from Sydney to Brisbane because we were loaning one car to my son and his wife and three children coming from Perth. That way, it saved them from hiring…

  • 08 January 2020

    Lady issues. That time of the month. Any men reading this, please keep reading. Hang in there and it will all make sense. Ladies, you will know what I am talking about. Even in the bible, ‘lady’s issues’ were brought up with the story of the haemorrhaging woman, a woman who bled continuously for twelve years and was described in two of the four gospels. This woman had a chronic condition. No doctors, no money, no treatment had been able to fix her problem. It is not necessarily the issue of the bleeding that makes this story so wow but what is culturally, practically and spiritually deeper, behind the words,…

  • 01 January 2020

    Out with the Old and In with the New. But not in everything, I hope. I’m getting older now and really appreciate the wisdom and the life experience I have had. I don’t want anyone throwing me away, throwing away what I have learnt. Sometimes I feel like I’m just getting things right, just at the ‘best days of my life’ stage, but I have also woken up to ‘old habits die hard.’ Meaning some old habits of mine that I do not even like are so ingrained in me that they take a long time (if ever) to die, to go away, to not exist in my life anymore.…

  • 25 December 2019

    Jesus birth foretold. “A child is born to us! A Son is given to us! And He will be our ruler, He will be called, “Wonderful Counsellor” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 Even back years before Christ’s birth, the announcement of it coming was a message personally to us. Notice the language. The Saviour Child BORN TO US. The Son of God GIVEN TO US. God’s thoughts towards us are so precious, so intimate. He desires a relationship with us that this child, this Son of the Father is given and born for EACH of us. Oh, what love the Father has for us! Remember that…

  • 18 December 2019

    In Matt 2:1, the wise kings saw a new star. This light inspired them with hope to seek after it, to follow it until they had found the Messiah, for they knew the Jewish Prophecy. “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” With their questioning minds and the urging of the Spirit of God, the sight of the star sparked within them a desire to spur them to pack up and travel far. They followed the star, the light that shone out of the darkness. What light inspires you with hope…

  • 11 December 2019

    Anyone know why this is called the “silly season?” Is it because a lot of us bite off more than we can chew? We say yes to more and more things and run around frazzled trying to complete everything before we go on holidays? Why does the boss decide to do “spring cleaning” finalizing projects this time of the year? Why do all the schools, groups, etc put on all their concerts, award nights all in the same few weeks? Why do we feel like we have to outdo last year’s Christmas celebration? More, More, More. I’ve often thought that Mary must have felt, “Oh great, I’m about to have…

  • 04 December 2019

    Ever felt like you’re the only one helping, only one sharing the load whatever that load may be? Why don’t others help or see the needs around us? Maybe you’re helping your elderly parents, sharing with children at the local school about Jesus, bringing up children, working hard to pay the bills, helping out at the local charity, fighting fires as a volunteer… More would get done if we had more help. Maybe then I would get a better sense of achievement, a feeling of appreciation. Not that you are doing what you are doing just for the pat on the back, but you often want to know is it…

  • 27 November 2019

    Preparations have started. Gifts are being added to my shopping trolley as the days advance towards Christmas Day. Phone calls are happening between family members so we can organize, at least starting to organize, whose house is it at this year. Most of us are travelling to Brisbane to have it for the first time in 35 years at the great grandparents house with most of  the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren  present. It is going to be bigger than Ben Hur. Soon the actual meals or food that your side of the family are bringing will be discussed. Who’s getting gifts and what are we getting them? In my…

  • 20 November 2019

    God is so amazing, so other, so mind-boggling. On my best day, God is bigger than my best thoughts. On my better day the God I think about, I know about, is only part of the  shadow of who He truly is. I do not even scratch the surface as the saying goes. His ways are way above mine, his thoughts way higher, his abilities way more miraculous than I can ever imagine. His love is way deeper than I would go, than I would love, that I would even comprehend. None can compare to Him. Job, Paul the apostle, Isaiah the prophet all thought the same. In Romans 11:34, “For…

  • 13 November 2019

    We come from such different backgrounds, different upbringing, different personalities, different nationalities, but we have One major bond. That of the Lord Jesus Christ. We all thirst. Thirst for Him. For more knowledge. For more of Him. For more experience of Him. For more worship of Him. For more clarity from Him. For more desire for Him. Our body, mind and spirit are in tune for more of Him. The desire won’t go away. We can try and ignore it. We can try and deaden the persistent sound. We can be laughed at. Ridiculed even by our own family. Discouraged by those we love to get ‘real’. To not be…

  • 6 November 2019

    GODS LOVE – Walk into it and stay in it. It will change everything in your life about your life. And for the better. This is what entered my thoughts as I meditated and journaled and read. Everything that God is doing in our lives is intentionally relational. It’s all about Him and us. To walk with Him and with others, to Love Him and others. God’s love draws us deeper and His commitment to us never waivers. In every situation in life, God desires to give us himself – He can’t help it because He loves us. It started at the beginning of our existence and will go on…

  • 30 October 2019

    Someone I know was describing a friend like this, “this woman was filled with God’s power, overwhelmed with His joy and consumed with His peace.” What a compliment! Then it goes on to say, “She heard God’s voice on a regular basis and was seeing evidence of His presence in the regular rhythms of her life.” Oh, to be described like this – what Faith! What a relationship with her God! She would pray and then believe. Expect and then see. Ask and then receive. “HOW WHAT SHE’D LEARNED ON THE PEW HAD BECOME SUCH A STARTLING REALITY ON THE PAVEMENT OF HER LIFE.” Priscilla Shirer (One in a million)…

  • 23 October 2019

    The reality of life in prayer. Things we pray for often don’t get answered in the way we desire. Sometimes it appears to be a BIG no! Why is that we may ask? What was wrong with my request? Maybe nothing. But maybe God with His big picture could see a better answer, a better result. Remember we can only see our piece in time of that picture. A maturing Christian will trust in God, “that ALL things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His plan.” (Romans 8:28) To be honest, I am still maturing to be that Christian. This is Faith building.…

  • 17 October 2019

    Some days I survey the list of chores and jobs I have to do and it is overwhelming. I never seem to get to that pile of mending. To clean out the fridge and freezer. Go through that linen closet. Where does the day go? Something always seems to come up that is more important, more necessary right now. Thank God I’m busy! Then I don’t notice the loneliness as much. The lack of true girlfriends, those true “heart to hearts” you miss from your sisters, your daughters. Now don’t go soppy on me. I have nothing to be ungrateful for. Nothing that a good dose of God friendship wouldn’t…