• Every One has a Part

    The new building’s roof was painted. The walls also. But the floor…… it needed pressure hose spraying to get it clean. Many hands got to work and after three long days the work was completed. I had gone along a few times to see what I could do. The pressure hose seemed to be too powerful in its vibrations for my damaged muscles (due to some ongoing past injuries.) So, what could I do? I made coffees. I got out the broom and swept the extra water down the drain as it built up in the room. It made me feel useful. I was participating as much as I could.…

  • Audacious Faith!

    The little 2-year-old climbed the stairs carefully up to the enclosed trampoline. As she reached the top Abigail turned to look to see if I was watching her. I called out, “Be careful. Watch where you are walking.” She laughed and then started to bounce up and down with delight, her golden curly hair blowing in the wind. Along comes her big brother. He is four. Emmett is a bundle of energy waiting to burst out into any activity where he can use it. I laugh as I watch because He does not use the stairs. He runs at the trampoline full pelt, dives for the handle holds and swings…

  • Take a Deep Breath

    I’m scraping the barrel. And it’s not a tub of chocolate sauce. It’s a container full of lack of sleep, no energy, of trying to get all the tasks done, of under the pump, no time to spare. Sometimes you want to get off the treadmill of life and stop awhile. When you had the time to stop you did not feel well enough to appreciate what you had, and things just passed you by. I’m claiming covid brain cause I can’t even remember what I did for 8 days previously. Now all deadlines have come back with a vengeance. I’m holding up my hand. I’m taking a deep calming…

  • Do You Need Grace?

    I had resolved, even though I was not feeling well, that all my responses to my husband would be kind, considered, give him the benefit of the doubt…… and it did not go to plan. Again, I was grumpy. Thinking only of myself. Again, harsh words came from my lips. Again, I came away frustrated with myself, with the conversation, with how it had ended. Why did I not hold my tongue? Why did his words and actions frustrate me so? Really thinking about it I realised I wanted something that he was not giving me. Maybe something He could not give. Ever been there……..? Think about it this way.…

  • Jesus Helps us to See

    Willow came to her Mum, Melissa, one morning and shared some of the wisdom that she has been learning. “Did you know hedgehogs can’t see very well?” “How did you know that?” Melissa asked. “cos I watched it on a video.” “oh ok” “And some people can’t see either cos some people are blind.” Oh, so true, but are people blind because there is something wrong within their eyes or figuratively are they blind from just seeing what is in front of them? There is a great story in John 9 where a man born blind receives his sight from the action of Jesus in his life. Jesus had just…

  • Enlarge Your Tent

    Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and had a myriad of thoughts go through your brain? It happened to me last night. I woke and could not get back to sleep. Thoughts of everything happening in my life came thick and fast. Even desires, hopes, dreams of my life into the future came flooding in. I did not feel worried but as if though I needed to think through all these things. Why wake at 3.30am? What did God want to say to me? This is the question I always go to now. I’ve learnt this long ago. This is how God often wants to…

  • Beauty from Ashes

    Who does not like eating Anzac biscuits?  Either chewy delicious oats or crunchy toasted ones. Maybe they are not your favourite but other biscuits are.  I love cooking especially desserts, cookies, anything sweet. It’s the cleaning up afterwards that I don’t enjoy.  One of my daughter’s expressed the same sentiment to our family via social media. Then in the next breath she expressed how good it was that her 4-year-old loves doing cleaning and the dishes. Under supervision, of course, and a knowing that water may not stay in the sink! At the end of these tasks, Willow (the 4-year-old) yelled out, “I’ve finished my chores.” This story got me thinking……

  • Be Filled with Joy!

    Early on Easter morning all appeared lost. Mary Magdalene had gone to the tomb and saw that the stone in front of the tomb had been removed. She ran and went to find Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over and looked into the empty tomb….. Have you ever been in a situation where ALL seemed lost? Where that feeling of despair has swept over you and remained. You felt empty, beside yourself with grief. This was the end. Nothing made sense anymore. You would understand how Mary felt. How all the disciples felt at…

  • Put Down Your Hands

    I was watching NCIS – one of my favourite shows on TV. Every few minutes I had to put up my hands in front of my eyes to stop myself looking at some autopsy’s that were being performed. Now I know that these are done on Dummies with fake blood, with fake visuals of people’s injuries. But they look so real. Then on came a news break where they interviewed a lady who had skin cancer that had been missed by her GP doctor. Her beautician that she had been to for 6 years had noticed some spots on her nose that did not look good and encouraged her to…

  • Would You Like Sushi for Dinner?

    “Mum, what are we having for dinner?” A question often asked in households with children. “Homemade Sushi” was the reply. “Oh, I don’t like sushi.” “Well do you like rice and chicken and celery and carrot and avocado…..” “Oh yes, I like them!” This dialogue was in our family chat. Later we all received a video of Willow, who is 4, putting rice, chicken and celery on a sushi seaweed sheet and rolling it up herself and then proceeding to eat it. It drew a smile across my face. Later reflecting upon what Jesus had done for me, in my prayer, this story came back into my mind. It explained…

  • Grace for Everyone

    As a parent I could never be prouder.  I’m talking about my children. I guess at the moment specifically about my eldest. A young woman who gives and gives and keeps on giving. She has not been handed to her a perfect life, but she has dealt with it very well. From a distance I can often see her struggles but have no ability to help her out of them. Only encouragement along the way. The journey of life for some can be harder than what others have to bear, or so it seems. But we all do have our difficulties. It’s often how we face them, our disposition, that…

  • You are Wanted!

    There is a line in a movie I was watching that has been going round and round in my mind. The actor was talking about what Jesus was thinking when He chose US (everyone – all of mankind) to follow Him. To walk with Him in life, to be His disciples. “Jesus had everything He needed.” Jesus was complete in Himself. Unified with the Father and Spirit. He did not need us. We are the ones in NEED. The crunch line, however, was next…… “But HE WANTED US.” Oh my! How important does that make us. Doesn’t that make you feel special! We who are so weak, so frail, so…

  • How Does Your Heart See?

    It started out as just a story but turned into a lesson on ‘seeing differently.’ There was a young baby born, his name was Rocky. His life started out like any other young baby boy’s life, eating, sleeping, growing. But it became apparent as the years went on that there was something different about Rocky’s growth. After a gazillion of tests, it turns out he was born with a condition called Fibrous Dysplasia, where abnormal growth or swelling of the bone occurs. The affected bones become enlarged, brittle and warped. Rocky’s parents tried to protect him as much as possible from physical danger due to the brittleness of his bones,…

  • What is Your Band Aid Covering Up?

    I cannot but start this blog with another beautiful, delightful story from Willow. Willow is my 4-year-old granddaughter for those of you who don’t know. She is the youngest of four girls but often seems to be more grown up and to say things that are above her years. She had hurt herself at Kindy. She came home with a huge scratch that was bleeding all the way down her leg.  Supposedly she had jumped over this book with a metal spine down the middle and did not make it. Her Mum, Melissa, put a band aid on it, more to protect it from dirt and sand from the sandpit.…

  • I Need God.

    It started a few months ago and has been building ever since. My awareness of my frailty. Humanity’s frailty. The world right now is in Crisis everywhere. If it’s not covid and trying to cope with this virus and the effect on people lives (many have died, many staying sick longer, and also many affected livelihoods, where does it stop?) then its climate change problems, floods, fires, earthquakes, and now wars that are escalating. Some of this is man-made from greed of power and possessions. But much is out of our hands, out of our control. All of these things can affect our Life here on Earth. What control do…

  • I Have No Time!

    Is anyone else in the same boat? The hours of every day seem to be getting fuller and fuller. Less time for leisure, for the things I would like to do. I’m far from retired, but I have heard that retired people often are busier than ever before. I believe it. I thought I would have heaps of time, after the children grew up. After the children left home. When it was now only Bruce and me in the house. But no, I seem to squash in more and more things. Maybe that’s one of the problems. Not saying ‘no.’ But I would like to do it all. So how…

  • I Stand on God’s Promises

    The thoughts come and go and so too the feelings of sadness. Loss does that. The questions still pop into my mind. Again, loss does that. But the stability in my life remains the same. I stand upon the promises of God, who is faithful and true. Some of the thoughts whirling around in my limited brain…….. He will never leave us orphaned. I turned to Psalm 46:10 and John 14:18. “Be still and know I am with you, be still I am the Lord, I will not leave you as orphans, (or the comfortless), I will come to you.” God will never leave us when we face tribulations. Even…

  • O God, I don’t understand but I trust in you.

    I’ve just heard the news. I feel a bit numb. Tears are in my eyes and flowing down my face. I don’t know what to say, what to think. So many of us have been in this same situation. Another life lost to covid, to disease, to cancer, to an accident…… Oh God why? A life in years still so young. So much ahead of him, her…….just starting out, more to give…… And so I turned to my God for comfort, for answers….. My phone beeped. It was a message. After reading it I felt it was God’s reply If you have been dealt a loss in your life lately…

  • 2 February 2022

    Burning the candle at both ends is not a good idea. You can do it for a time but then it catches up on you. I know there are seasons when this can occur but my body is wearing thin (If only – no weight loss, disappointing sigh!) The legs ache, the eyes are dry, the head throbs, the shoulders are tight and the clock ticks away. 11pm. 12pm. 1pm. Oh dear. My 3, soon to be 4-year-old grandson, Emmett, left his blankee at my work a few days ago and I have been sending him messages and pictures showing his doggy blankee watching the television, helping me with my…

  • 26 January 2022

    The things we say sometimes backfire on us. This happened on two occasions with my daughter, Melissa, and her 4 year old daughter, Willow. Both brought a smile to my face. Melissa came into the room and stated to Willow and her three older sisters, “time to pack away your things and get ready for dinner.” Willow did not want to. It wasn’t that she did not want to stop doing what she was doing but she did not want to do the chore of packing away. So Melissa said, “Ok, if you don’t pack away you will lose ‘iPad time.’” This is the allocated time they are allowed to…

  • 19 January 2022

    Staying positive in the midst of hardship. My husband Bruce has been sharing for a few weeks now on committing your plans to the Lord, especially as this is the start of a new year. Only problem is, in talking to many about the start of 2022 and what we have had to endure the last few years with the Covid virus, “What can you plan?” If we plan a holiday, it often gets cancelled due to a change in the flights available or travel permits cancelled. If we plan a party, an engagement or a wedding it often gets cancelled because we are in Lockdown or there are limited…

  • 12 January 2022

    I knew I was a little stressed. There was no real reason for it. I was actually on holidays, a stay home holiday. I had a list of things I wanted to do, to achieve. I’m a list person if you don’t know by now. I get a sense of achievement, a sense of completion when my list gets smaller. I guess I was trying to do too much in a short space of time. I had also not slept very well for a week with an old back shoulder muscle pain which had raised its angry head again. I picked up the one bottle and went to grab the…

  • 5 January 2022

    Entering into a new year can open up lots of possibilities. For students they can start from scratch. Fresh and ready for what studies the new course, the new subjects and the new classes bring. For workers even if in the same job with the same boss and the same fellow workers, if our minds are open, it can bring new possibilities. What will the new year bring? Are we open to all things new? Scripture tells us that even Our God has new mercies for us every morning. A new fresh start every day with Him. They never come to an end. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;    his mercies…

  • 29 December 2021

    The sunset was a spectacular orange colour. Crowds of people were enjoying God’s wonderful display of His glory. The heat had drawn them out, all trying to find a cool breeze. I was captured by the hues and wonder of God’s creation. The ocean was clear as glass and cool to the touch. I breathed in the beauty. It made me wonder how many times have I just taken sights like this for granted. How many times I have not appreciated what God has given to us. Since Christmas Eve, after the church service we went to, I had been overcome with more appreciation of what God has done for…

  • 22 December 2021

    Christmas time is upon us. A Season of gift giving. Reflecting upon why we give presents, to our loved ones, why we give to those in need, give gifts to those less fortunate than ourselves. It makes you realise how grateful you are for your life, your family and friends. In Europe this gift giving started by St Nicholas is celebrated on December 6 with stockings and socks hung up in front of the fireplaces. Nicholas (now traditionally known as Santa) was young when his wealthy parents died. He committed to obeying Jesus’ words to “sell what you own and give the money to the poor.” And so used his…

  • 15 December 2021

    In the Advent season we are reminded that God has come, is here and is coming again. I was praying in the car. Listening to songs of worship, joining in at times or just talking to God. Bringing up areas in my life I was wanting God to be victorious in. As I prayed out loud, the Spirit reminded me of all the prayers that have been coming in during the last few days. Prayers needed for so many things, so many people, so many situations. In the midst of the words of prayer, the feelings of pain, grief and suffering, real tears in my eyes came to the fore.…

  • 8 December 2021

    Do you find it hard to risk? Aubrey was about to step out of the car. I yelled out to her to stop. “There is danger below your foot. Hop back in and come out the other door.” This six-year-old little girl did not hesitate especially because of the tone, the sound of my voice. There was a sense of urgency, desperation, and danger in my voice. As she got out on the other side of the car, she asked, “What’s wrong?” I started to describe to her the danger as she came around the side of the car to see for herself. The drain in the road was missing…

  • 1 December 2021

    In the last little while there has been bad news. News about people who have found out they have cancer, have cancer back again or have tragedy in their families. The world situation is still very dire with the covid-19 virus. Isolation, families split apart, businesses struggling or already gone to the wall. So many people’s livelihoods at risk. Mental health and depression are on the rise with people not getting the help they need. Loneliness is an epidemic. My thoughts go to, “Lord where are you in all of this?” Most of these people with sickness or tragedy in their lives are good people. They are trying to live…

  • 24 November 2021

    Scott, one of my son in law’s, took his four year old daughter Willow, on a ‘Daddy date.’ A time where one to one they can share with each other and have fun together without any of the other family members. A specific special time just for them. Scott has four daughters and this time it was the youngest’s turn. Generally, they go to the movies and have something to eat together, while sharing with each other and enjoying each other’s company. It is one of the most amazing experiences to literally watch the excitement in the little girls faces. Starting even the day before this event occurs their demeanour…

  • 17 November 2021

    Are you chasing happiness or holiness? I will share with you this sequence of events. Willow, my 4-year-old granddaughter, was looking through the junk mail and brochures from different stores and she was circling lots of things. She then states to her Mum, “I need to write out a list for Santa for if he gets me the wrong things on Christmas Day, I’ll be very unhappy.” Oh, I chuckled! One – how important it is to write out your dreams. Two – as you mature you are actually happy with lots of things. With maturity you trust more that God will give you the desires of your heart and…

  • 10 November 2021

    We all are such complex people. Each have our own personalities, quirks, idiosyncrasies, upbringing, and on top of that different circumstances that shape us. Visiting family lately, listening to different ones as we share life together, as we catch up on each other’s lives, it had made me think again of how frail we are. So many of us have problems, issues that we have to deal with in life. Some issues every day, some for months on end, while others that raise their head every now and again. All we want in life is peace, joy, goodness, for things to go well. We all want love to reign. Harmony…

  • 3 November 2021

    Willow my four-year-old granddaughter has started swimming lessons. Her parents want her to learn some water safety, so she has the ability to swim or paddle to the side of a pool if she fell in etc. The only problem (like a lot of little ones) is that she does not like to put her face in the water! A bit difficult not to do while learning to swim. The first lesson the teacher pulls her in (with goggles on) under the water. She did not like it! All during the week she told her Mum she is not going back to swimming. To encourage her to continue I said…

  • 27 October 2021

    The evening started out fine. Four little ones, ages ranging from 7 down to 18 months. I was babysitting for my son and his wife who were celebrating a wedding anniversary by having a night away from the kids. Yes, I was staying overnight (with Bruce) looking after their tribe. Bruce was still at work, so I fed them all, played with them for a while, started to read them stories to relax them before bed and got them in their pj’s.  Three of them slept in one room in this three-way bunk bed. So, we said prayers together then tucked them all in and left the room with the youngest, Abigail, on…

  • 20 October 2021

    Great times with family. Great time with friends. Reflecting upon the wonderful time we had on the weekend, it saddens me greatly when I hear of tragedies in our world. Death, destruction, abuse, isolation, persons missing, a whole people forgotten. Sitting in hopeless cycles. Who can help?  Then I read past stories of where God came to people and rescued them.  In the book of Judith (found in Catholic bibles), this widow who trusted in her God was used by God to help rescue His people. She had to trust, pray and have courage and a plan, relying on God completely. God was ever faithful and came and saved her and…

  • 13 October 2021

    Have you ever played the game called ‘Celebrity Heads’? Everyone playing has a different name or object written upon a piece of cardboard which is then stuck to their forehead. You have to guess the name of the celebrity, or the name of the object that is stuck to your own forehead. You can’t see the name and you have to ask one question to the other people in the group playing the game with you, that gives you a clue to unravelling the name or item. The first person to guess their name or item wins. I played it for the first time on the weekend with my grandchildren.…

  • 6 October 2021

    Willow came back from day-care very excited. She is my 4 four-year-old granddaughter. She and Jessie, her best friend, were asked to build a house. They put in cushions for the walls to keep safe, they said. Then a blanket for a roof to keep off the rain. Then Willow told her mum, “We put in a makeup table so we could put our lipstick on and perfume.” I laughed when I heard this. The essentials that Willow thought were needed.  It made me think of what truly is essential? Especially since recently Bruce, my husband, and I moved house and we were packing or throwing away what we thought we needed.  What is…

  • 29 September 2021

    The rumbles I had in the stomach were not good. The tiredness and light-headedness that came in waves showed no signs of abating, which again were not good. I could not be sick now! I had too much to do! We were moving house. There was the final packing, the organising and then the cleaning. But sometimes in life you cannot pick and choose. I just had to go with what was presented to me. Thank goodness for kind workers who work for my husband and the wonderful children I have! I did as much as I could in between sitting on the couch or running to relieve my stomach.…

  • 22 September 2021

    The little one burst into tears as I stood and said goodbye. Lately this is the occurrence whenever anyone leaves, even if just an acquaintance leaves the room. So, a lot of reassuring and stating that the person will be back…… And then stating when you do return… “see I told you I was coming back.” A building up of soothing words, a developing trust in our word, being diligent in returning when you say you will and being consistent all helps for the child to learn and trust. This is a stage of development that many children go through. A separation anxiety due to emotional attachment to the particular…

  • 15 September 2021

    The words drifted down to my ears from three rows away. The voice was soothing but firm. “You are not a dummy; you just need to be shown.” stated Carol.  Then not long after, on another call, the response was, “Don’t talk to yourself like that! You can do it. I will guide you.” Again, words of comfort to the receiver on the other end of the phone call. It made me reflect – who are you a cheer squad for? Do you stand on the sidelines and just watch, or do you do what you can do even if it is just words of encouragement?  The scripture Isaiah 40:28-29…

  • 8 September 2021

    Melissa, my second eldest daughter, headed for bed herself after putting her four children to bed. What a day! As she started to feel herself winding down, she heard a noise in the room and soon felt a little body snuggle in beside her. Turning to look at who it was, Melissa said to her four-year-old, whose name is Willow, “What are you doing?” “I’ve just come to relax with you” was Willow’s reply. So, she let her relax with her for a while and took her back to bed. Willow just needed the feeling of security, the knowledge that her Mum (or Dad) could give her as she headed…

  • 1 September 2021

    The doorbell rang incessantly. The chatter behind the door brought a rush of joy to my heart. As the door opened, I heard these words coming from the mouth of a three-year-old little boy. Trying to restrain himself physically Emmett asked, “Where can I cuddle you, Pa?” My heart melted even more. Emmett is always such a bundle of energy, and he was wanting to be careful because his Pa had just had an operation. When I heard the love and understanding that came out of this little one, I thought “Oh we need to learn this lesson.” The lesson of care and understanding towards someone other than himself. Of…

  • 25 August 2021

    The clock ticked and was going so slow. There I was in a hospital waiting room. Waiting for the nurse to come down the passageway and tell me my husband was in recovery and all was well. While I was waiting, I started to read the news on my phone. Oh, what is happening in the world! The situation in Afghanistan is devastating for all those who want to leave and can’t. For the loss of freedom that is predicted, actually already starting to happen. For the abuse and demoralisation of the women, girls, and those who have no say in their “man’s” world. My heart goes out to all…

  • 18 August 2021

    The place was quiet except for the footsteps on the hard floor. Then out of the silence came this angel’s voice. Pure, beautiful, powerful, rejoicing. the audience cheered. The chairs moved and the vision before the judges bowled them over. The contestant finished her magnificent rendition of ‘Climb every mountain’ and the applause was deafening. Then the words came… “I don’t know if the judges turned their chairs because I am blind.” Did they? There was a unanimous “Yes!” The lady at the centre of the stage with a small gasp and tears in her eyes said, “Oh – that is overwhelming.” The scene was electric with emotion. Out of…

  • 11 August 2021

    Booming head, feeling decidedly unwell but most of us women “soldier on” as they call it. Sometimes though it’s nice to be able to hang out the white flag of surrender and pop yourself into bed. Today is one of those days. Well tonight anyway. Those nice clean sheets and soft pillow are beckoning. I admire so many who push through the pain and discomfort to help and assist their family and friends. I’ve often thought when those who have chronic pain and sickness continue to try and live a normal life, they are living heroes. A special Grace is given to those people. The families also are truly graced…

  • 4 August 2021

    “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” – Søren Kierkegaard What a true quote! When we look back on our life with the light of Christ shining on and in it, we often see the hand of God. We understand more about our humanity. How weak we truly are in some circumstances while in others so strong that we know Christ was carrying us. We understand how immature we were and some of us needed to “grow up” as the saying goes but in a not so funny way, we needed to go through some things to mature. Our focus comes off ourselves, our careers…

  • 28 July 2021

    The training has come to an end. The preparation is done. It’s now or never (not quite). The whistle is about to blow, the cauldron is about to be lit and the games of the Olympiad’s is about to begin. So many across the world are glued to their TV sets or listening on the radio. I am one of them. Every spare moment I have I’m watching, cheering our team on but also cheering and feeling that exaltation when the underdog wins. There must be only one winner with a gold medal but often I wish that all would get a medal, for their effort, their perseverance, what they…

  • 21 July 2021

    I’m a big softy, always have been. The other night Bruce and I were watching a movie. Part way through it I needed to get up to get the tissues for the tears pouring down my face. As I looked across to Bruce, I saw tears in his eyes too. Now I know that we are just watching a movie, often a storyline that is made up. But some of the stories hit my heartstrings and feel so real. The actors are so real. The way the movie is made makes it seem so real. My spirit seems to connect with the mood or spirit of the storyline. The older…

  • 14 July 2021

    I feel like I’m going up and down an escalator. Never getting to the top. Each time I look up I’m still so far from the top. Just an analogy of how I feel within me right now. Tired, drained, so much to still do on my ‘to-do’ list. Even the deep breaths I physically take in don’t seem to help. Then I think a good night’s sleep will fix everything. NO, it’s the same in the morning. You know that heavy cloud that hangs over you. It could be your work, your family, your health. Your………. I feel so drained I can’t even think straight. My mind is in…

  • 7 July 2021

    It came out of the blue. I was not prepared. My co-worker leaned across to my desk and said with a “harsh” voice. “Don’t ever tell me to do that again!” I was like a deer in headlights, as the saying goes. I had no idea where it came from. Why it came. I was stunned. So I said, “oh I’m sorry”, not truly knowing what I had done to offend her? I started questioning why? What did I say? What just happened? Then after reflecting upon the whole scenario, I heard a quiet voice within me. “Don’t take offense. Your co-worker was speaking out of her past hurt. She…

  • 30 June 2021

    Whether it is a live match of soccer, a game of cricket on the television, or a replay of last night’s tennis match, I enjoy them all. I grew up in a household where we were encouraged to play sport from a young age.  My Dad especially (mainly because Mum was looking after the other little ones at home) would drive my brother and sister and myself early in the morning to swimming training before school. Tennis coaching was on the weekend and all the athletics and netball was done after school. I was never brilliant at any of them but a good all-rounder while the list of what I…

  • 23 June 2021

    A farmer plants a kernel of corn. Plants a whole row of them. Such a small thing. Maybe a cm by a cm, or half an inch by a half an inch in size. After watering it, feeding it with fertilizer, having planted it in good soil and praying for the sunshine, it grows. And grows and grows. And when it is time to harvest this one kernel (seed) produces a whole plant full of corn cobs to feed many. Upon reflection of planting and feeding and harvesting it can tell us many things about life. Jesus used these examples many times to share truths to those who would listen.…

  • 16 June 2021

    I’m chasing my tail again or juggling too many balls. It happens every couple of months. I either take on too much or I no longer can cope with a huge workload. It overwhelms me a bit. If I’m not careful it affects my inner peace. I feel that God is telling me something through these experiences. It’s like He’s waving a red flag so I will notice what is occurring. ‘Don’t take on so much. Say no. Prioritize what you take on and do.’ This feeling that I need to take some time out, often gnaws at me.  The thoughts of ‘Go away and spend some time with God.…

  • 9 June 2021

    I would love to share this story with you. Where it started out – not so good, was improving in the middle but the ending was incredible. It’s the story of Flora Beverley, an English fitness and health blogger who loved to run. Her first long distance races taught her many things. They taught her what she was now, yes, but she focused on what she wanted to become. She wanted to be like the runners who had incredible will-power, were fit, tall and leggy – as she describes them. Her first 3-4 km race was a disaster. She went out too fast, died, internally and externally, had to stop…

  • 2 June 2021

    My thoughts started with a simple enquiry. “How was your afternoon?” As the words left my mouth, the person who received them burst into tears. As I gave the person a hug, I asked them “what’s up?” For the next few minutes, in between the sobs, the responder shared with me. I could not fix anything. I could not help much. But I hopefully encouraged them in the situation they were in. Next day, I sat down beside a co-worker at lunch and asked the same question “what’s up?” The same thing happened. A flurry of tears and a sharing of their frustration. Again, I tried to encourage them and…

  • 26 May 2021

    I’ve surprised myself lately by trying to learn a new computer program and being able to actually make it work and get results. The myth of “an old dog can’t learn new tricks” is not true! It often depends upon your attitude. I might be slower in grasping the concepts and running the program. I may need some reminders on – How do I do that again? – but I’m doing ok. I’m older now and my attitude is, “Well, I’ll just give it a go. I’ve got nothing to lose.” That actually is the attitude that flows into a lot of things in my life. Following God – following…

  • 19 May 2021

    One of my favorite programs on television is a show called ‘Blue Bloods.’ About a Catholic family, the Reagans,  where most of the members are policemen in the NYPD. The Father of the family is the Police Commissioner, the son of a former PC himself. The show has a human side to each problem, dilemma, storyline that is shown each week. The other night I was watching a re-run. The only daughter in this Catholic Family is a Lawyer – a District Attorney, Erin Reagan. She was representing a youth in a suspected robbery. She was trying to stay focused on the role of lawyer by focusing on the possible…

  • 12 May 2021

    I noticed the top of her head first, then the rest of her body followed. She came up from underneath the round table and onto a nearby chair, surveyed what was on the table then bopped down again. She then moved to another position around the table and she repeated the process. Hopped up onto a chair, surveyed what she could see on the table and then bopped down again and so it went on till she had gone around the entire table. At this stage I had walked over to her and asked, “Willow can I help?” Willow is my three-year-old granddaughter. She looked up at me and said,…

  • 5 May 2021

    Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I thought this Covid virus would be abating by now a year on and the vaccine rollout happening around the world.  But when I read the news from different parts of the world, in some places like India, the virus numbers are the worst ever and the number of people dying is not stopping. What is happening Lord? In many of the countries, areas that are not as affluent as others, the numbers sick are alarming, mainly due to poor hygiene, inability to social distance, lack of hand sanitizer and failing to even have a mask. Then if they get sick, lack…

  • 28 April 2021

    The padding tries to protect the whole body. The size allows the person to walk slowly, but somewhat cumbersomely towards their opponent. The black helmet protects the head but also helps play its part in the costume. SUMO suits are what I am describing. Eden, one of my granddaughter’s, had them at her tenth birthday party. Adult sizes and children’s sizes. I was amused when I watched the two younger children bow to each other before moving forward towards each other as fast as they possibly could. It was very funny to watch each opponent trying to push the other one over. This was the aim of the game. Once…

  • 21 April 2021

    I’ve just started a new position at work. It’s a bit scary, for there are new ways to learn, new computer systems and processes. It makes me feel a bit like I don’t know anything. I’m the newbie. What goes through my head are thoughts like, “What if I can’t do it? What if I do it wrong?” The blessing is there are a few of us. Us “newbies.” All in the same boat. All hopefully learning together and have each other’s back. We are all starting a new thing. Some, even now, you can tell are more skilled (especially in computers) than others. Some already have knowledge of some…

  • 14 April 2021

    It started out as a small voice complaining that she could not get to sleep.  She was not tired. She needed to go to the toilet. She needed her fluffy slippers on. (In bed?? Where’s the logic?) She needed a drink, she was thirsty. This was Willow, my three-year-old granddaughter. And then finally (this brought a smile to my face), “I’m hungry! You don’t feed me!” Her Mum, Melissa, went into her room and said, “Well you might have to eat more at the dinner table.” Melissa spoke to her quietly about some things and then Willow settled down to sleep. Then two weeks later our entire family received a…

  • 7 April 2021

    I was feeling sorry for myself. NO Easter for a second year in a row. No Church ceremonies, celebrations, no family gatherings around the table of Christ or around the dining table! I know it was supposed to be a joyous day on Easter Sunday but I was very BLAH! My husband and I were in quarantine. Still a whole week to go. Can’t go out. Stuck. After crying for most of the morning I looked  and felt terrible. I tried to perk myself up a bit for a zoom meeting with the family. I even brushed my hair and dressed up a bit so as to not “scare” too…

  • 31 March 2021

    500 metres in I started to feel it. A low grade rubbing on the back of my heel. I’ve worn the wrong socks – these ones on my feet are not high enough on the back of my ankle and are starting to rub badly. I had even put on a bandaid because I suspected that being new shoes, this might happen. At each step the irritation seemed to be getting worse to the point at the 3 kilometre (1.8 mile) mark of a 5 kilometre (just over 3 miles) run/ walk I was thinking of giving up. Every step made me grit my teeth and looking down there was…

  • 24 March 2021

    How do we grasp concepts? Sometimes, like from a child, we are taught, we learn as we grow and develop. I guess we trust our parents and our teachers that the colour red is red. That the big bright light in the sky during the day is called the sun. That it is day when it is light and night when it is dark. I started thinking like this one afternoon when I was looking after my 11-month-old granddaughter, Abigail. She relies on her family so much for her learning. Then as she gets older she will rely on her teachers to teach her to read and grow in knowledge…

  • 17 March 2021

    It started with a ten week term of exercises, stretches, moves and flexing. The class had all started together and were all beginners. Every week there was excitment in the air to what was being taught today and how far the group had progressed. Then it stopped. Came to a crashing halt. All because of a change. It was gymnastics entry level for my 6 year old granddaughter Aubrey. She had for weeks been showing everyone the new “moves” she could do. The flexible back bends, the splits, the cartwheels were all in her resumé. And each week you could see her improve in her flexibility and in her techniques. Then the…

  • 10 March 2021

    Does this sound like anyone when they were a child? Mum comes into a room and states “Our house looks like a pig sty, who did this?” and 3 year old Willow replies, “A pig did it.” Or Mum asks, “Aubrey did you throw all your paper cuttings under the couch?” “No, I put it in the bin” was her reply.” “So you’re telling me someone broke into our house and took the rubbish out of the bin and threw it under the couch?” 3 year old Willow pipes up again, “Yeah a bad guy did it.” This brings a smile to my face, (Yes you smiled too) but also…

  • 3 March 2021

    My heart is heavy. Many tears came to my eyes as I read the hundreds and hundreds of prayer requests that have come in. How many tears has Our Lord shed for humanity over the centuries? In Scripture Jesus was always compelled by compassion to reach out to us. He has not changed in this. Many cry out for help in relationships. Help between husbands and wives, between sons and daughters and parents, between brothers and sisters, between work colleagues. So much strife, unhappiness, unforgiveness, hatred. Sometimes it is abuse of one to another, of the strong demeaning the weak. Addictions of things like alcohol, drugs, and pornography that lead…

  • 24 February 2021

    My ten-month-old granddaughter Abigail is at such a cute age. She waves goodbye to you. She plays peek-a-boo and giggles, she chuckles. Stands on her own when she does not know it and loves looking and smiling at herself in the mirror. Looking at herself in the mirror it is gorgeous to see. She pulls faces at herself, laughs and chatters to the little girl she can see. Who knows if at that age they realise it is them they are seeing in the mirror, or do they think it is another little baby? The next day I stopped to look in the same mirror to check if my hair…

  • 17 February 2021

    I was only going to buy a couple of things at the supermarket. But as I went up and down the aisles, (because I was not at my usual shopping centre and I did not know where everything was) I started remembering there were a few more items that I needed. Oh yes, the ketchup was low and I needed more toilet paper. Soon my arms were full. I had not got a trolley at the front of the shop or a basket for I was only getting a few items, ha ha ha. As I turned the corner of the aisle and I reached out for that one last…

  • 10 February 2021

    There is an in-house joke in our family that when one of the adults say that they are hungry they are offered fruit or nuts to eat but when the grandchildren say they are hungry they have a selection of a small packet of chips, a sweet biscuit or cookie or another treat that may be in the house. And so it was after offering some mixed nuts to my adult son Joel (who kindly declined) I poured out a few into my hand and looked down at them. Thoughts started entering my mind. Questions. I wonder how old the nuts are? (Probably ancient because my children so often decline…

  • 3 February 2021

    It started out as a normal day. Having breakfast, doing the dishes, putting on the washing, mopping the house……Then “it” started. Someone close to us was living in the close vicinity of a positive Covid test and the whole housing complex was put into isolation. Actually the whole street has to be tested and then stay in isolation. Then the area of impact of possible infection got expanded. The phone calls started. The discussions of who has enough food, essentials. Who needs extra help? Any neighbours in need? Have you had your covid-test yet? All the questions. So it ended up two members of my family came to stay so…

  • 27 January 2021

    I walked into the room because I could hear crying. Four of my grandchildren were sleeping over because their Mum and Dad had gone out to dinner. My daughter asked if “they could sleep the night, go to Church with you and be picked up the next day after lunch?” And so they did. They were all in the tv room. Charlotte who is 11, Eden 10, Aubrey who is 6 and Willow who is 3. They had just finished watching a movie. Trying to find a movie that they are all interested in watching together does not work so well anymore as the age gap gets extended from preteen…

  • 20 January 2021

    We moved into our existing house about nine months ago. A house that is 20 odd years old and has very low maintenance needed on the property which suited both Bruce and me. On the day the furniture removalists arrived there was a knock at the door, even though the door was wide open. Bruce went to answer the knock and that is when we first met George. George is a wonderfully gentle man of 87 years. Reminds me of Mr Miyagi, a Japanese karate master in the movie Karate Kid. He would come to the previous owners every six weeks or so and prune and manicure the bushes and…

  • 13 January 2021

    Do you sometimes feel you are just going through the same motions? Nothing has changed. Just a different day, a different date, a different year but same same? It feels like the last few months of last year. Why? I feel that I have not got into the rut yet. But I am very close.  The rut? A Ditch. A long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles or a habit, a pattern of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive that is hard to change. Ok, going upon these descriptions I am in a rut. And it’s only the beginning of the year!!!! So,…

  • 6 January 2021

    I had plans. Actually I had plans upon my plans. I had a few days off, so I had made a list of things I wanted to do. Things I wanted to achieve or start even and things that would relax me as we all headed into a New Year. They did not eventuate. The day after Christmas Day I felt exhausted! I thought surely I had not overdone it that much in preparation for the day and on the day. Yes, when it is at your house you don’t sit down much the whole day. I had been up at 6am to prepare the turkey and stuff it with…

  • 30 December 2020

    Don’t you love an upgrade! I’m sure everyone who ever gets one feels spoilt. When airlines flew more before covid 19, you sometimes got an upgrade of your seats. When you buy an outfit and find that today it’s 30% off – bargain! It’s happened to me a few times. I was so proud of my oldest grandson from the practice to the real thing he was upgraded from shepherd in the nativity play to Joseph. How special must my grandson have felt to get “an upgrade.” He was nervous but thrilled. He has only just turned 6 but displayed to everyone a maturity above his years. He walked by…

  • 23 December 2020

    Plans are in place. The key roles of the nativity scene have been chosen but who is going to be the shepherds? The wise kings? The visitors of the babe born? I overheard a parent trying to entice a little one to dress up as one of the shepherds. I had to chuckle for all they wanted to know was who else was going to be with them. And were there Live sheep? Even at a young age we want to feel included and not miss out. Over 2000 years ago, some shepherds just looking after their sheep were invited to play a role that forever in time would make…

  • 16 December 2020

    Oh it’s started to get exciting! The little ones in our family, namely the two three-year-olds “get it” this year. The Christmas Lights, the decorations, setting up the Christmas tree, putting on the star, displaying the nativity scene, the photo with Santa and the discussions with their older brothers and sisters all point towards an impending arrival on Christmas Day. The count is on! And so too should our excitement be escalated. The third candle, the PINK or ROSE one, has been lit for the third week of Advent. There is ONLY one more week to go. The candle of JOY- which is what the Pink Candle represents – Gaudete…

  • 9 December 2020

    There we were three of my sisters, my Mum and Dad chatting over afternoon tea. I had not seen them for a year due to covid restrictions and state border closures. Yesterday I had caught up with my twin sister and my brother too! Oh, it felt good! We were sharing about our lives, our families, the highs and the lows. Honesty was on the table and everyone was listening to the struggles and the joys of life. My youngest sister was sharing about a situation from a few weeks back where she came out with, “I was so frustrated that I walked away from the situation and sent some…

  • 2 December 2020

    Bedtime in a household with little children can be fun and games. Sometimes they go with no quarrelling or push-back but more often than not, this is not the case. The usual “I’m not tired!”  “I can’t sleep!” “I’m thirsty.” “I need to go to the bathroom.” “Can’t I stay up 5 more minutes?” Or just plain whingeing and crying and “carrying on” occurs. The latest one of my grandchildren who makes up complaint after complaint is 3 year old Willow. My daughter relayed this story to me. After being in bed for a few minutes out she comes. The first reason started with …….wait for it…… “Don’t get angry…

  • 25 November 2020

    I have been collecting my old clothes to give away to St Vincent DePaul or Good Sammys. That way they can be useful and be reused by people. Actually, to be more truthful, they are clothes that don’t fit me anymore. Sad face.  Or ones that “I don’t know why I bought it?” question hangs over them. So, while I’m doing this, I’m also going through the linen closet. I don’t need 6 pairs of single sheets anymore. The 5 children and niece who lived with us are no longer living here, so out they go. Sometimes I have so much STUFF that 4 to 5 years ago when I…

  • 18 November 2020

    As we approached our destination we came to the top of the hill where the town was situated. I glanced to my left and was astounded. There on the skyline was the biggest hardware store I had ever seen! It stood like a citadel rising to the skyline for all to see. As far as the eye could see on the horizon, from east to west, it was there. I immediately turned to Bruce in the driver’s seat and stated, “Oh wow, that’s what we, the Church, should be like. Shining our light for all the people in our town to see. That they know where to go for help…

  • 11 November 2020

    We had an all out family party at my house on Saturday afternoon. It was a family member’s birthday and 21 of us came and celebrated together. It was fantastic! I love when the family come together and all 10 grandchildren ranging from 13 years old down to 6 months come and learn to develop relationships with their cousins. All the little ones play, build, and interact with imaginary scenes that they have made up. For example playing teachers, or doctors – it’s a sight to behold when the older ones drive the ambulance and go over and help the sick…. When the doctor arrives with their doctor’s kit and…

  • 4 November 2020

    Six years ago I injured my back. I was lifting a three-seater couch with my husband Bruce across a coffee table. We were moving into a new house and it was the last piece of furniture that we moved. As we lifted it up and over I was favouring my bad shoulder, which can dislocate easily, and I heard and felt a pop. I was off work for 4 months with torn shoulder muscles and the only way to find any relief was to lie down. Even just standing put too much pressure on the area. I went to many doctors, physios, I had acupuncture but to no avail. All…

  • 28 October 2020

    My day did not start out how I had planned. I had planned to do housework, some chores at the shops, and then working on some study that I desperately needed to do. I received a call from one of my daughter’s, Melissa, to see if I could wait at her house between 9 and 12 for a man to come and install some blinds. The blind company had cancelled twice before, and my daughter had to work this day. I said no problem, I could read and study while I was waiting. Then my daughter-in-law, Brigette, rang. She asked if I could look after the younger three of her…

  • 21 October 2020

    Oh for a good cup of coffee! Or tea! That was my thoughts as I sipped my morning cup. I never was one for having this knowledge or this ‘tasting’ of my palette. This enjoyment has only occurred the last few years. Over the years where I used to work the coffee or tea was made by a staff member. Whatever came was how you got it – weak, strong, boiling hot, lukewarm, too sweet……. Now I wasn’t being authoritarian but all the juniors were on roster to make the senior staff a morning or afternoon cup because we did not stop for a break but worked all the way…

  • 14 October 2020

    I know I share a lot about my grandchildren, but I guess they are a huge part of my life now (I have 10 of them) and God speaks to me through them. God can speak His heart, His mind, His direction through people and/or circumstances in our lives, if we listen well. It is a learning tool of discernment. Willow, my three-year-old granddaughter, came home with her Mum the other day and sighed very heavily. Melissa, her Mother, asked her what was wrong. “I’m tired,” she said. “I had a hard day at daycare!” Just like her mother saying, “I’m tired. I had a hard day at the office.”…

  • 7 October 2020

    It’s school holidays and some of the grandchildren I don’t get to see on a regular basis came and visited. Three of the older girls, aged 10, 9 and 6 were spending the whole day with me. We were going to catch up with some of the younger cousins at a park just after lunch, after I had a few photos taken for some marketing we were doing for work. Last time we got some photos done I had done my own hair and makeup and it did not quite turn out as well as we had planned. I need to wear glasses most of the time now to read,…

  • 30 September 2020

    Most children who are of school age now either own an iPad or have access to an iPad for study and activities for school. You may think it is only in first world countries but even some people in third world countries have a phone (a mini computer) even if Wi-Fi access is limited.  And so, from a young age little ones know how to use technology. They are a whizz at knowing how to play games, watch programs, make videos, take photos, even make phone calls.  My grandchildren have taught me heaps! Willow was unwell and was lying on the couch with an iPad. I came over to talk…

  • 23 September 2020

    Some of my family are getting up early in the morning or going out later at night for walks for exercise. My three-year-old granddaughter, Willow, on one of the evenings was told by her Mum that they would be buying dinner because time had gotten away, and it was getting late. Willow asked if they could buy chips from the farm. Her Mum, Melissa, did not understand what she was saying. A farm selling potatoes? But her Dad, Scott, whispered into Melissa’s ear, “Like Old MacDonald’s.” The penny dropped. So, Melissa asked Willow, “Do you want chips from McDonald’s?” Yeah was the answer. Did you not get that? Old Macdonald…

  • 16 September 2020

    Have you ever tried Zumba? Or it could be called Tyga or Konga or a myriad of other names. It is a fitness class where you do exercises to music, but the exercises have a Latino, Columbian, Brazilian flavour to them. I have been going for a while now, not really getting any better in my movements but enjoying it anyway. I just don’t have that wriggle in my hips, or the agility in my movements, let alone I cannot raise one arm due to an injury in my shoulder years ago. But the laughs that I have, the enjoyment and hopefully the fitness I am achieving spur me on.…

  • 9 September 2020

    Oh every muscle in my body is aching. I don’t know what’s more comfortable, standing or sitting.  Possibly lying down. It reminds me watching cartoons where the cartoon character hits their hand and the hand goes bigger then smaller, bigger then smaller, indicating a pulsation that is causing pain. That’s what was happening to me in my hands, my back, my knees……. Yes, I laugh too, like in a cartoon. I thought I was able to dig up easily 20-year-old rose plants and transplant them. After half an hour digging, chopping, shovelling, pushing, using a pick, doing anything to disengage the old roots I had successfully dug up ONE tree.…

  • 2 September 2020

    Have you ever run late? Thought you had set the alarm for 7am and after waking late and checking on why the alarm did not ‘work’ found you had set it for 7pm! Or is that just me? It frustrates me so much for I am quite an organized person. Not to the extreme, for I have also been gifted with a flexibility to adjust when things, people, events don’t necessarily go to plan. This particular day though I was frustrated with myself all morning. I had to readjust so many activities I was going to complete. I had to reprioritise my list of jobs. Oh, the frustration! It was…

  • 26 August 2020

    For those of you who do not know last week I had an eye infection. After feeling that it was irritated and getting progressively worse, I got some antibiotic eye ointment. After a few days it was not improving. It was getting worse and travelling from the top lids to the bottom lids and to the bags now developing (actually joining in with ones that were already there) under the eye. I had to do some grocery shopping and pay some bills. So, when I went into the shops, I did not take my sunglasses off. I thought it might look too contagious otherwise and what with the contagious virus…

  • 19 August 2020

    I’m so glad no one can see me right now. Oh the vanity and pride of “me.” I have conjunctivitis and a blocked infected tear duct and look like I have gone five rounds with Mike Tyson. (A boxer, for those who may not know who he is.) I walk into the shops, social distancing and mask wearing (where appropriate) but also with dark sunglasses on. Maybe I should buy a pirate eyepatch? That way I don’t scare people too much. Oh I laugh about it actually. Here I am old enough now to have to wear glasses to read but squinting with the glasses on to see through the…

  • 12 August 2020

    Ok I’m guilty. Since Covid-19 I have been watching, scrolling way too much through news reports, media reporting on the world, celebrity input(even if it is just Jennifer Garner cooking at home!) Now sometimes it is no problem to sit and have some leisure watching tik tok funny videos, watching “how to cooking shows,” watching ……. But every day for quite a chunk of my time to be truthful is just a waste of my time. I’m wondering why I feel exhausted, actually in a state of exhaustion most days. My mind is numb, fried even. I have even had some headaches that seem to come upon me every night.…

  • 5 August 2020

    I was on babysitting duties at a Park while Mum and Dad were in a meeting. The thing that is funny is I don’t have to do it but I enjoy choosing the role to love my grandchildren and to teach my grandchildren love. I was pushing the youngest two on the swing, Mackenzie who is 3 and Emmett who is 2, while their big brother Freddie was climbing equipment. I started singing to them. (I’m famous for making up my own songs). “Swinging high and swinging low it is the way to go. La la la la la, la la la la la. Mackenzie is so happy she is laughing out…

  • 29 July 2020

    We all want the best. The best for ourselves, for our families, for our world. We all have hopes and dreams in these areas and often work, yes work all of our lives, to attain these hopes and dreams. I read a quote the other day from T.D.Jakes, an American preacher that stopped me in my tracks. “You cannot unlock what God has in store for you if you won’t pursue Him.” What a TRUTH to be realised. The logic works out. If God created us. He’s the maker, the manufacturer, the designer surely then He knows how we are made up. He knows what our gifts and abilities are.…

  • 22 July 2020

    I did it again. Had a bad day and ranted and raved to God. Actually it was not just one bad day that did it. It was a progressive addition of things going wrong. Doors closing personally and in ministry and none (or so it seems) were opening to replace the blockages standing before me. Ever had a rut in your career? Parenting skills not working? (Actually sometimes I wonder why you call them skills, for they seem non-existent at times.) Have your retirement plans gone astray? You thought you would have at least 10-20 years of enjoyment of travel, family, doing the hobbies you love. But it did not…

  • 15 July 2020

    Ok I know this story from the bible… or so I thought. Thinking about it more the Holy Spirit shared some stuff with me that was very pertinent to life right now. The bible story is the Prodigal Son. It’s in Luke 15. There are two sons. One son who does  wrong and the other son who seems to do the right thing. It is the story of a son who wants his part of the inheritance now, to spend and use on his life. He basically tells his Father, “you are dead to me. You don’t matter to me. All that matters is what I can get out of…