Jesus Helps us to See
Willow came to her Mum, Melissa, one morning and shared some of the wisdom that she has been learning. “Did you know hedgehogs can’t see very well?” “How did you know that?” Melissa asked. “cos I watched it on a video.” “oh ok” “And some people can’t see either cos some people are blind.” Oh, so true, but are people blind because there is something wrong within their eyes or figuratively are they blind from just seeing what is in front of them? There is a great story in John 9 where a man born blind receives his sight from the action of Jesus in his life. Jesus had just…
Enlarge Your Tent
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and had a myriad of thoughts go through your brain? It happened to me last night. I woke and could not get back to sleep. Thoughts of everything happening in my life came thick and fast. Even desires, hopes, dreams of my life into the future came flooding in. I did not feel worried but as if though I needed to think through all these things. Why wake at 3.30am? What did God want to say to me? This is the question I always go to now. I’ve learnt this long ago. This is how God often wants to…
Beauty from Ashes
Who does not like eating Anzac biscuits? Either chewy delicious oats or crunchy toasted ones. Maybe they are not your favourite but other biscuits are. I love cooking especially desserts, cookies, anything sweet. It’s the cleaning up afterwards that I don’t enjoy. One of my daughter’s expressed the same sentiment to our family via social media. Then in the next breath she expressed how good it was that her 4-year-old loves doing cleaning and the dishes. Under supervision, of course, and a knowing that water may not stay in the sink! At the end of these tasks, Willow (the 4-year-old) yelled out, “I’ve finished my chores.” This story got me thinking……
Be Filled with Joy!
Early on Easter morning all appeared lost. Mary Magdalene had gone to the tomb and saw that the stone in front of the tomb had been removed. She ran and went to find Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over and looked into the empty tomb….. Have you ever been in a situation where ALL seemed lost? Where that feeling of despair has swept over you and remained. You felt empty, beside yourself with grief. This was the end. Nothing made sense anymore. You would understand how Mary felt. How all the disciples felt at…
Put Down Your Hands
I was watching NCIS – one of my favourite shows on TV. Every few minutes I had to put up my hands in front of my eyes to stop myself looking at some autopsy’s that were being performed. Now I know that these are done on Dummies with fake blood, with fake visuals of people’s injuries. But they look so real. Then on came a news break where they interviewed a lady who had skin cancer that had been missed by her GP doctor. Her beautician that she had been to for 6 years had noticed some spots on her nose that did not look good and encouraged her to…