I Need God.
It started a few months ago and has been building ever since. My awareness of my frailty. Humanity’s frailty. The world right now is in Crisis everywhere. If it’s not covid and trying to cope with this virus and the effect on people lives (many have died, many staying sick longer, and also many affected livelihoods, where does it stop?) then its climate change problems, floods, fires, earthquakes, and now wars that are escalating. Some of this is man-made from greed of power and possessions. But much is out of our hands, out of our control. All of these things can affect our Life here on Earth. What control do…
I Have No Time!
Is anyone else in the same boat? The hours of every day seem to be getting fuller and fuller. Less time for leisure, for the things I would like to do. I’m far from retired, but I have heard that retired people often are busier than ever before. I believe it. I thought I would have heaps of time, after the children grew up. After the children left home. When it was now only Bruce and me in the house. But no, I seem to squash in more and more things. Maybe that’s one of the problems. Not saying ‘no.’ But I would like to do it all. So how…
I Stand on God’s Promises
The thoughts come and go and so too the feelings of sadness. Loss does that. The questions still pop into my mind. Again, loss does that. But the stability in my life remains the same. I stand upon the promises of God, who is faithful and true. Some of the thoughts whirling around in my limited brain…….. He will never leave us orphaned. I turned to Psalm 46:10 and John 14:18. “Be still and know I am with you, be still I am the Lord, I will not leave you as orphans, (or the comfortless), I will come to you.” God will never leave us when we face tribulations. Even…
O God, I don’t understand but I trust in you.
I’ve just heard the news. I feel a bit numb. Tears are in my eyes and flowing down my face. I don’t know what to say, what to think. So many of us have been in this same situation. Another life lost to covid, to disease, to cancer, to an accident…… Oh God why? A life in years still so young. So much ahead of him, her…….just starting out, more to give…… And so I turned to my God for comfort, for answers….. My phone beeped. It was a message. After reading it I felt it was God’s reply If you have been dealt a loss in your life lately…
2 February 2022
Burning the candle at both ends is not a good idea. You can do it for a time but then it catches up on you. I know there are seasons when this can occur but my body is wearing thin (If only – no weight loss, disappointing sigh!) The legs ache, the eyes are dry, the head throbs, the shoulders are tight and the clock ticks away. 11pm. 12pm. 1pm. Oh dear. My 3, soon to be 4-year-old grandson, Emmett, left his blankee at my work a few days ago and I have been sending him messages and pictures showing his doggy blankee watching the television, helping me with my…