• 2 February 2022

    Burning the candle at both ends is not a good idea. You can do it for a time but then it catches up on you. I know there are seasons when this can occur but my body is wearing thin (If only – no weight loss, disappointing sigh!) The legs ache, the eyes are dry, the head throbs, the shoulders are tight and the clock ticks away. 11pm. 12pm. 1pm. Oh dear. My 3, soon to be 4-year-old grandson, Emmett, left his blankee at my work a few days ago and I have been sending him messages and pictures showing his doggy blankee watching the television, helping me with my…

  • 26 January 2022

    The things we say sometimes backfire on us. This happened on two occasions with my daughter, Melissa, and her 4 year old daughter, Willow. Both brought a smile to my face. Melissa came into the room and stated to Willow and her three older sisters, “time to pack away your things and get ready for dinner.” Willow did not want to. It wasn’t that she did not want to stop doing what she was doing but she did not want to do the chore of packing away. So Melissa said, “Ok, if you don’t pack away you will lose ‘iPad time.’” This is the allocated time they are allowed to…

  • 19 January 2022

    Staying positive in the midst of hardship. My husband Bruce has been sharing for a few weeks now on committing your plans to the Lord, especially as this is the start of a new year. Only problem is, in talking to many about the start of 2022 and what we have had to endure the last few years with the Covid virus, “What can you plan?” If we plan a holiday, it often gets cancelled due to a change in the flights available or travel permits cancelled. If we plan a party, an engagement or a wedding it often gets cancelled because we are in Lockdown or there are limited…

  • 12 January 2022

    I knew I was a little stressed. There was no real reason for it. I was actually on holidays, a stay home holiday. I had a list of things I wanted to do, to achieve. I’m a list person if you don’t know by now. I get a sense of achievement, a sense of completion when my list gets smaller. I guess I was trying to do too much in a short space of time. I had also not slept very well for a week with an old back shoulder muscle pain which had raised its angry head again. I picked up the one bottle and went to grab the…

  • 5 January 2022

    Entering into a new year can open up lots of possibilities. For students they can start from scratch. Fresh and ready for what studies the new course, the new subjects and the new classes bring. For workers even if in the same job with the same boss and the same fellow workers, if our minds are open, it can bring new possibilities. What will the new year bring? Are we open to all things new? Scripture tells us that even Our God has new mercies for us every morning. A new fresh start every day with Him. They never come to an end. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;    his mercies…