29 December 2021
The sunset was a spectacular orange colour. Crowds of people were enjoying God’s wonderful display of His glory. The heat had drawn them out, all trying to find a cool breeze. I was captured by the hues and wonder of God’s creation. The ocean was clear as glass and cool to the touch. I breathed in the beauty. It made me wonder how many times have I just taken sights like this for granted. How many times I have not appreciated what God has given to us. Since Christmas Eve, after the church service we went to, I had been overcome with more appreciation of what God has done for…
22 December 2021
Christmas time is upon us. A Season of gift giving. Reflecting upon why we give presents, to our loved ones, why we give to those in need, give gifts to those less fortunate than ourselves. It makes you realise how grateful you are for your life, your family and friends. In Europe this gift giving started by St Nicholas is celebrated on December 6 with stockings and socks hung up in front of the fireplaces. Nicholas (now traditionally known as Santa) was young when his wealthy parents died. He committed to obeying Jesus’ words to “sell what you own and give the money to the poor.” And so used his…
15 December 2021
In the Advent season we are reminded that God has come, is here and is coming again. I was praying in the car. Listening to songs of worship, joining in at times or just talking to God. Bringing up areas in my life I was wanting God to be victorious in. As I prayed out loud, the Spirit reminded me of all the prayers that have been coming in during the last few days. Prayers needed for so many things, so many people, so many situations. In the midst of the words of prayer, the feelings of pain, grief and suffering, real tears in my eyes came to the fore.…
8 December 2021
Do you find it hard to risk? Aubrey was about to step out of the car. I yelled out to her to stop. “There is danger below your foot. Hop back in and come out the other door.” This six-year-old little girl did not hesitate especially because of the tone, the sound of my voice. There was a sense of urgency, desperation, and danger in my voice. As she got out on the other side of the car, she asked, “What’s wrong?” I started to describe to her the danger as she came around the side of the car to see for herself. The drain in the road was missing…
1 December 2021
In the last little while there has been bad news. News about people who have found out they have cancer, have cancer back again or have tragedy in their families. The world situation is still very dire with the covid-19 virus. Isolation, families split apart, businesses struggling or already gone to the wall. So many people’s livelihoods at risk. Mental health and depression are on the rise with people not getting the help they need. Loneliness is an epidemic. My thoughts go to, “Lord where are you in all of this?” Most of these people with sickness or tragedy in their lives are good people. They are trying to live…